Sediment Stains

Cards (25)

  • Sediment stains increases the overall what of sediment elements?
  • What is the most commonly used sediment stain?
    Sternheimer-Malbin Stain
  • Sternheimer-malbin stain delineates the structure and contrasting colors of what 2 organelles?
    nucleus and cytoplasm
  • Sternheimer-Malbin Stain stains what types of urinary sediments?
    WBCs, epithelial cells, and CASTS
  • What are the 2 components of Sternheimer-malbin stain?
    Crystal violet and safranin O
  • What are the 2 brands of Sternheimer-malbin stain?
    KOVA and Sedi Stain
  • What percentage of Toluidine blue is used?
  • Toluidine blue enhances the detail of what?
  • Toluidine blue differentiates what 2 urinary sediments?
    WBCs and RTE cells
  • What sediment stain is used to lyse RBCs and enhance WBCs nuclei?
    2% acetic acid
  • 2% acetic acid distinguishes RBCs from what?
    WBCs, yeast, oil droplets, and crystals
  • What is the most common constituent that causes interference for RBC?
  • What are the 2 lipid stains?
    Oil red O and Sudan III
  • Lipid stains stain TRIGLYCERIDES and neutral fats what color?
  • SUDAN III do not stain what?
  • What stain identifies free fat droplets and lipid-containing cells and casts?
    Oil Red O and Sudan III
  • What stain differentiates gram-positive and gram-negative (nitrate-converting) bacteria?
    Gram Stain
  • What stain identifies BACTERIAL CASTS?
    Gram stain
  • What color is gram-positive bacteria?
  • What color is gram-negative bacteria?
  • What stains identifies urinary EOSINOPHILS?
    Hansel stain and Wright's stain
  • Methylene blue and eosin Y stains eosinophilic granules.
  • What stain stains structures containing IRON?
    Prussian blue
  • Prussian blue stain identifies YELLOW-BROWN GRANULES of HEMOSIDERIN in CELLS and CASTS
  • Hemoglobin turns into what?