
Cards (57)

    • Repeat
    • Look for
    • Answers
    • Truth
    • New Knowledge
  • To Verify
    • To seek other opinions
  • To Validate
    • To confirm
  • Research
    A systematic and scientific procedure of data collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation, and implication pertaining to any problem
  • Research methods
    A systematic and scientific procedure of data collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation, and implication pertaining to any problem
  • Research involves the quest for answers to unsolved problems
  • Research is collecting data and information, learning and finding new things
  • Research is an advanced knowledge which follows a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information in order to understand more the phenomena under study
  • Research
    Helps expand our understanding of the world around us
  • Research
    Provides solutions to existing problems and challenges
  • Research
    Drives innovation and drives progress in technology, industry, and society
  • Engaging in research
    Fosters critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities
  • Research provides personal and professional growth
  • Good research
    • Clear and specific focus
    Characteristic of good research
    Characteristic of good research
    Characteristic of good research
    Characteristic of good research
  • Research should have criteria for measuring its success or progress
  • Your research goals should be realistic and achievable within the constraints of time, resources, and expertise available to you
  • Good research should be relevant and meaningful within the context of your field or discipline
  • Research should have a clear timeline or deadline for completion
  • Research objectives
    To be able to contribute to the existing body of knowledge that would result to a more effective and efficient process that would make life convenient
  • Concept
    A term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea
  • Theory
    An organized body of concepts and principles intended to explain a particular phenomenon
  • Quantitative Method
    A method that focuses on numbers, objective hard data. It proves hypotheses by statistical analysis and scientific method. It is called a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data is used to obtain information about the world. It is used to describe variables. It examines relationships among variables.
  • Qualitative Method

    It uses words instead of numbers to display data. It focuses on feelings not numerical data. Small number of participants involved in a qualitative research study. This kind of research method utilizes interviews archived written information, and observations to measure the significance of a relationship between variables.
  • Qualitative Method

    • A drug abuser telling you how they feel about abusing drugs
  • Variables
    Any quality of a person, group subject, event, condition or situation that varies or takes on different values
  • Independent Variable (IV)

    The variable that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher
  • Dependent Variable (DV)

    The variable that is measured or observed in response to changes in the independent variable
  • Hypothesis
    A logical supposition, a reasonable guess, and educated conjecture that provides a tentative explanation of a phenomenon under investigation
  • Sampling
    The process of selecting participants who are representatives of a larger population to gain an understanding of that larger population
  • Population
    The entire group of individuals or items that meet the criteria for inclusion in a research study
  • Research Title
    A subject or topic that a researcher finds interesting when conducting research, which needs to be narrowed down to focus on the main idea
  • Abstract
    Summarizes all sections and helps readers decide whether or not to read the entire report
  • Introduction

    Presents background information, scope, and focus of the research paper
  • Literature Review
    Provides a review of what others have written or researched on concerning the topic, and may include concept literature, research literature, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, research hypothesis, and definition of terms
  • Methodology
    Explains how the research was conducted, including the research design, population and sampling procedure, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and data analysis procedure
  • Discussion
    Presents the information gathered through the research