Cards (10)

  • What do you have to do to study variatioN?
    Look at a SAMPLE of the population, not the whole thing
  • Why do you only sample a population when studying variation, instead of looking at whole population?
    Too time-consuming or impossible to catch all individuals
  • What are samples used as?

    Models for the whole population
  • What is important?
    Sample must represent whole population - because sample data used to draw conclusions about whole population
  • What must be tested?
    any patterns observed are tested to make sure not due to change
  • How do you make sure sample is not biased?
    • Random
    • Random number generator to pick random sample sites
  • What should you do to ensure any variation observed in the sample is NOT due to chance?
    Important to analyse the results statistically = allows you to be more confident that results are true and reflect what going on in whole pop
  • What can you use the mean to do?
    Tel if there is variation between samples
  • What will most samples include?
    Values either side of the mean - so you end up with a bell-shaped graph- this is called a normal distribution
  • What is a normal distribution like?

    Symmetrical about the mean