heart transplants

Cards (7)

  • Heart transplant

    Required in cases of heart failure
  • Coronary heart disease

    Can lead to heart failure
  • Heart failure
    Heart fails to pump sufficient blood and organs are starved of oxygen
  • Heart transplant procedure
    1. Consultant assesses patient's condition
    2. If other treatments not managing, transplant may be recommended
    3. Patient put on waiting list
  • Heart transplant
    • Puts major strain on the body
    • Benefits and risks evaluated including severity of condition and other health factors
  • Artificial hearts
    • Plastic devices used occasionally to keep patients alive whilst waiting for a heart transplant
    • Can also be used to allow a patient's heart to rest to help it recover
  • After the transplant, the patient will
    1. Need time to heal, recover and build up strength
    2. Have to take drugs called immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of their life - this prevents the person's immune system from rejecting the donor heart
    3. Have an increased risk of infection because of these drugs