psychology paper 1 - cognitive

Cards (11)

  • memory
    a cognitive process used to encode, store and retrieve information
  • Multistore model of memory
    proposed by atkinson and shiffrin. It splits memory into sequential stores - sensory, short term memory and long term memory.

    Peterson + Peterson - duration of STM when rehearsal is prevented.
  • working memory model
    proposed by baddeley and hitch, it explains the aspects of short term memory in detail. exploring both a phonological and visuo-spatial route of processing.

    Mills + Mcmullan - dual coding.
  • schemas
    mental representations that are derived from prior experience and knowledge. schemas help us to predict what to expect based on what has happened before. they are used to organise our knowledge, to assist recall, to guide our behaviour, and to help us to make sense of current experiences.

    Bartlett - war of ghosts and cultural schemas.
  • reconstructive memory

    a theory of memory recall, in which the act of remembering is influenced by other cognitive processes including perception, past experience, imagination and beliefs. memory must be deconstructed in order to be reconstructed, schemas play a part in the reconstruction.

    Bartlett - war of ghosts and cultural schemas
  • thinking and decision making.

    thinking is the process of using knowledge and information to make plans interpret the world and make predictions about the world.
    decision making is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision makers.
    two systems - system 1 intuitive and automatic and system 2 rational and deliberate.

    Tversky + Kahneman - anchoring bias in mathematical problems.
  • illusory correlation
    this cognitive bias occurs when we incorrectly believe that two variables have a relationship with each other

    Hamilton + Gifford - illusory correlation.
  • halo effect
    this cognitive bias refers to the tendency to allow one specific trait or our overall impression of a person, company or product to positively influence our judgement of their other related traits.

    Dion - the halo effect
  • flashbulb memory
    a memory created in response to an emotional and surprising event. these are not rehearsed but are exceptionally vivid and believed to be accurate.

    Kulkofsky - role of individualism and collectivism on flashbulb memory.
  • Biases
    a cognitive bias is a systematic error in thinking that occurs when people are processing and interpreting information. it affects the decisions and judgements they make.
    anchoring bias is the tendency to rely heavily on the first piece of information offered.

    Tversky + Kahneman - anchoring bias in mathematical problems.
  • dual coding
    the idea of using different types of stimuli (words and visual) to help learners encode information in their brains more effectively.