Leads to creation of concept, la methods, theories and principles which is seek to describe and explain nature and it’s phenomena
Include ideas, theories and all available systematic explanation
Involve systematic observation and experimentation
Intellectual activity
Field of study that deals with the process of learning about natural and physical world
Done by human beings to develop better understanding
Personal and socialactivity
Greek word which means art, skill or cunning hand
Application for scientific expertise, laws, and principles to the development of services, products, instruments and machines built to solve real problems
Results of scientific investigation
Latin word which means societas
Individually belonging to a particular group
Study of how social, political, and socio cultural principles influences scientific research technological progress
an academic field, STS traces its roots from interwar period and cold war
Harvard University’s Kennedy School (2018)
Period of optimism, peace, prosperity up to around 1929 after WW2
Interwar period
Featured heavy weights
Cold war
Science to technology
To inform
Technology to science
Demands more
Technology to society
Make life easier
Society to technology
Benefits from
Society to science
Demands more
Science to society
Seek to improve
They released the annual list of emerging ethical dilemmas and policy issues in ST (2021)
Dr. Jessica Baron and John J. Reilly
Race to create new technologies
Battle of arctic
Virtual copy
Your digital twin
Sleep tracking
MIT’s version of inception
Transition between wakefulness and sleep
Mercilessly harming robots
Robot abuse
Use to spy on another person
Stalkerware apps
Search engines spit out
Data void left by search engine
Gig economy
App profits foreclosure
consuming negative online content
Has 2.45 billion monthly active user
Past events
Three period
Ancient period, medieval period, modern period
Aesthetic, military and defense, health and medicine, power and energy, communication
Oldest civilization in the whole world
Sumerian civilization
Land of the civilized kings
First writing system
First true city in the world, built using mud or clay