Strengths and Weaknesses - Bible

Cards (3)

  • Conservativism
    1. Bible is the word of God —> god in Old Testament is about killing and in New Testament about love
    2. The bible is inerrant —> humans make errors
    3. Remains faithful to tradition —> some traditions are outdated
  • Neo-orthodox
    1. Accepts humans make errors —> how do we know which are errors and which aren't?
    2. Remains faithful to core message that Jesus is son of God —> some have different beliefs and don't agree with son of God
    3. Bible supports Christians as a vehicle to bring them close to God —> can we not be close to God without the Bible, eg through prayer
  • Liberal
    1. Accepts that we are all human —> makes mistakes when writing and interpreting the Bible
    2. Emphasis on social gospel —> but Jesus is divine not just a role model
    3. Process theology accepts that God is not omnipotent —> goes against 2000 years of traditional church thinking