Steps down into audience when monologuing, does not want it to be entertainment, more nervous on second day, still reading from a script, dramatic and OTT as assistant, sits up right, speaks Northern accent and very domineering as Mr Bentley, not understanding how to act when not real object, old, clutches stick, very straight back - slow and old voice as Sam Daily, Northern accent, very back country, pauses and freezes when Drablow mentioned as Landlord, very tense and nervous, denies enjoying it, more caring when told he has a child, most closed (lost a child to the woman in black) as Jerome, solemn at the funeral, nervous when woman is bought on, angry shouting and scared, on his knees, explains himself, asks for him to walk with him back, scared as he lost a child to her, says Mr Kipps then is silent, eyes dead forward as Kekwick, becomes a narrator after finishing as Kekwick, comes to save Actor, not answering questions, angry, in a 'state of emotion' as Mr Jerome, walks on with a torc, puts comforting arm around Actor, stands by Actor - speaking in a 'matter-of-fact tone' as Sam Daily, starts very over the top, walks on from the aisle through the audience, almost insulting, very dramatic, turns to audience to break 4th wall, mellows on second day, less dramatic, more realistic, breaks forth wall - direct address, notices Landlord being nervous, opens up about his child, more tense on day 3, aware people are watching him, solemn, slow, and still but looking around for the woman at the funeral, commemorative of the surprise, talking positive of the place to Kekwick, investigative at the church, panics and decides to leave, returns to house and falls to floor, in ball covering ears, no longer panicked, just finds the job tedious and repetitive, happy to have Spider's company, realises the door is unlocked and runs back to bed, wakes up and cycles back to town then back to the house, monologues what he finds in the letter, starts to find out the story from letters, walks around lighting the stage with a torch, wades out to grab the dog, speaks with a semantic field of remorse, shakes hands with the woman in black, both sad, ends on heartbeat crescendos