Conservative and Liberal readings of the text

Cards (18)

  • Conservative - do not resist one who is evil
    'God demands that we should never hit back
  • Liberal - do not resist one who is evil

    The context of Jesus' talk was that if someone resisted a roman order they would face crucifixion. The best response to a roman order was to be as accommodating as possible
  • Conservative - give to him who begs from you
    God insists that we should always give to people who are in need
  • Liberal - give to him who begs from you

    We should not always give to beggars but we should look out for the poor
  • Conservative - refuse him who would borrow off you

    Never lend anyone money because there should never be an expectation of being paid back
  • Liberal - refuse him who would borrow off you

    Jesus is exaggerating to make a point; its not that we should never lend anyone money but unlike the tax collectors we should be fair in our dealings with those who are in need
  • Conservative - love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

    God insists that if someone who is evil towards you your only response should be to love them
  • Liberal - love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

    Loving our enemies is not always possible. The real message is that we should take responsibility in areas of conflict and stop the never ending cycle of hatred
  • Conservative - be perfect

    Jesus insists that the goal in life is to show the qualities of God in your life
  • Liberal - be perfect

    To be perfect is an impossible demand. Jesus was not saying that we could be. He was merely saying that we should have high expectations of ourselves
  • Why are Jesus' teachings a challenge to non conservative Christians?
    They challenge normal human behaviour. No one can be perfect. Jesus seems to be telling people to go against human nature
  • What do conservatives believe the message of Jesus to humans is?
    To teach us to try to become perfect beings and perform good acts
  • Why are conservative Christians pacifists?
    They accept the teaching of Jesus as authoritative so despite provocation, they will not resist attack and will try to show love towards those who might be their enemy (just like Jesus did)
  • How did this impact WWI?
    Many Christians became conscientious objectors and refused to fight with the enemy. Many were punished for their beliefs by imprisonment. Others instead volunteered to provide medical support on the battlefield
  • How do liberals interpret the text?
    Free to interpret and evaluate the teaching according to their experience and judgment
  • What do liberals believe Jesus meant when he said to resist attackers?
    Liberals believe he was speaking in the context of the roman rule of Palestine, where resistance to the romans could lead to crucifixion as a punishment. The roman authorities could co-opt any Jewish person to carry a burden from them, so Jesus might say 'if that happens, volunteer to go two miles rather than one, then at least you stay alive
  • What do liberals believe Jesus meant when he asked people to be perfect?
    We could be perfect; but we don't have to. We should have high expectations of ourselves. To tell us all to be perfect would be an impossible demand
  • Key differences between liberals and conservatives
    - liberals do not agree with inerrancy
    - conservatives take the bible literally
    - liberals prefer to interpret