reporting psychological investigations

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  • -          finally in a report references should be made- including the full details of any journals articles or books they have mentioned should be presented using a standard format in alphabetical order which will include the authors surnames and the year of publication as well as the title of their work as a minimum
  • -          a report should also have a discussion section in which the researchers offers explanations of the behaviours they observed in relation to the research presented in the introduction - this section should also include the limitations of the research being explored as well as the implications of the results and the real world application- finally in this section researchers will make suggestions for future research
  • -          within a report the results must be included and in this section it contains what's the researcher found and it is often called statistical data which includes descriptive statistics including tables graphs and averages and inferential statistics which is the use of statistical tests to determine how significant the results are- and if any qualitative data was gathered which would include any analysis of themes and quotes from the data too
  • -          another subsection in the method is ethics where any ethical considerations will be mentioned here and how they were dealt with
  • -          another subsection in the method is the procedure which is a step by step description of everything that happened in the study to allow for replication
  • -          another subsection in the method is the materials which is the details of any materials used in the procedure
  • -          another subsection in the method part includes participant where details about the sample including the size and characteristics such as age and gender of the participants are
  • -          within the method there is a number of different subsections including design which includes the details on methodology, variables and justification for the choices made
  • -          I report should also include the method which is a detailed description of what the researcher did providing enough information so that others can replicate the study
  • -          a reports should also include an introduction which includes a review of previous research in the area of the study and limitations of these previous theories and studies which leads to the rational explanation for why the researcher intends to conduct their particular study- an introduction is written using a funnel technique where the researchers start off with a broad theoretical perspective and then narrows down the research discussed to the precise studied area leading into the aims and hypothesis
  • -          a report should include an abstract which is a summary of the study covering all the main sections which is normally about 150 words- they are important so that the reader can see the aim of the method and results of the study at a glance
  • -          when researchers carry out a study and write it up for publication they follow a standard format
  • References
    -          When referencing A textbook you should include the authors name and if it is an editor put ed after their name then the year of publication in brackets followed by the title of their study written in italics then the series title and number if it is a part of a series full advice addition if it is not a first edition then place of publication so for example London finished with the publishers name
  • References
    -          when referencing a website it should begin with a corporate author if there is no individual author or editor the year of publication in brackets the title in italics followed by online in brackets then the URL link after the words available from followed by the date of access in brackets
  • References
    -          when referencing journals you should begin with the author surname followed by the initial of their first name then the year of publication followed by the title of the article followed by the title of the journal any italics followed by the volume number next to the issue number and the page numbers