The NAZI party and Adolf Hitler's program against the Jews of Germany
1. 1933: NAZIS boycott Jewish businesses, issue a decree that defines non-Aryans, Hermann Goering creates the GESTAPO, first concentration camps are built
2. 1934: Jews are not allowed to have national health insurance, the SS (Schutzstaffel) is formed, Hitler became Der Fuherer and received a 90% approval rating
3. 1935: Nuremberg Race Laws, Jews lose further rights to citizenship, Jews are banned from marrying Aryan women
4. 1936: SS Deathshead division is created to guard camps, Heinreich Himmler is appointed Chief of the German Police, Jews are treated better at the Olympic games in Berlin - briefly
5. 1937: Jews are not allowed to teach Germans, not allowed to be accountants or dentists, "Eternal Jew" exhibit opened in Germany
6. 1938: Nazi troops enter Austria, League of Nations considers helping Jews fleeing Hitler but no country will take them, Jews are not allowed to practice medicine
7. 1939: Reinhard Heydrich is ordered to speed up the emigration of Jews, the St. Louis is turned away from the US, Jews must hand over all gold and silver, Nazi troops seize Czechoslovakia, Jews in Poland are forced to wear yellow stars
8. 1940: German Jews are deported to Poland, ghettos of Lodz, Krakow, and Warsaw are sealed off
9. 1941: Nazis invade the Soviet Union, Hitler issues infamous "Commissar Order", SS Einsatzgruppen follow the German Army