Christmas Carol

Cards (25)

  • solitary as an oyster'
    -oyster reffered to having hard outside which represents the idea of capitalism and the fact that he had to take care of himself.
    -the soft pearl could represent the fact that deep down, Scrooge had a soft side which could have foreshadow hope for scrooge to change.
  • Squeezing,wrenching,grasping,scraping,clutching,covetous sinner'
    -asyndetic listing
    -shows how he was obsessed with money!
    - exclamative shows how the narrator is overwhelmed by how outrageously unpleasing Scrooge his.
    - the list of verbs are to do with hand to show how what a miser Scrooge was
  • I wear the chain I forged in life'

    - 'chain' symbolises greed and sin.
    -distressed tone which implies that Marley was a restless ghost
    - chain immaged use to suggest that actions in life may have inescapable consequences even in death
  • If they would rather die... they had better do it'

    -'they' refers to the poor and is impersonal
    -shows that Scrooge sees a strong divide between himself and the poor.
    -he doesn't see the poor as individual which reflects his lack of sympathy
    -shows selfishness and greediness of the middle class
  • Decrease the surplus population'
    - Links with Thomas Malthus. He thaught that they would never have a utopian society because the moment society came close to that the population grew.
  • A solitary child neglected by his friends'
    -attributive adjective
    'solitary' implies that Scrooge was alone which suggests sadness in his childhood.
    -transitive verb neglected' suggest that he was forgotten by his friends.
    -This makes the reader sympathise with Scrooge
  • Another idol has displaced me. A golden one'.

    - concrete noun idol has connotation of worshipping and admiring as if it were a God.
    -Scrooge worships the money with a sort of religious devotion.
    -The greed for money has overtaken his love for Belle.
    -Scrooge shows his regret and it humanises him. He described it as 'torture
  • I have seen your nobler aspirations fall off one by one'

    - comparative adjective, 'nobler' has connotations of morality and honesty. This suggests that Scrooge once had a moral state of mind and had honest ghost which further indicates that he was once a good person.

    - The fact that they have fallen 'one by one' emphasises his slow, avaricious descent into the greed and selfishness.
  • Would you put out... the light I give?"
    -metaphor illustrates that the first ghost was there to illuminate Scrooge and show him where things have gone wrong, but scrooge needs to except the help.
    -light is symbolic of redemption and hope which hints that Scrooge has potential to redeem himself.
  • He has the power to render us happy or unhappy... as if it cost a fortune'
    -Scrooge has had a epiphany and realises that happiness doesn't have to coast a fortune and that Fezziwig was a benevolent humanises him.
    -Fezziwig just like Scrooge has power over his employees but uses that for good intentions.
  • Founder of the Feast'
    - fricative which conveys how grateful Bob Cratchit and is family was to Scrooge.
    - they are thankful regardless of their poverty and display love and affection for each other.
    -This conveys the importance of family.
  • I see a vacant seat. The child will die'
    - The simple sentences emphasise the hole that will be left in the Cratchit family when Tiny Tim dies in the future.
    - 'Will' highlights the certainty of this if Scrooge doesn't change his ways.
    -This makes the reader worried for Tiny Tim and makes them hope the Scrooge is capable of changing.
  • Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?
    -rhetorical device and repetition
    -links with the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834. The workhouses were place where poor or homeless people could go to and be given food in return.
    - ironic because the ghost is repeating Scrooges response to the charity collectors. This forces threader to consider how unhelpful his previous opinions were.
  • The boy is Ignorance. The girl is Want...Most of all beware this boy'

    - Dickens uses two malnourished and impoverished children to symbolise ignorance (unawareness) and want (need for more) as they emanate greater sympathy from readers
    -'Ignorance' is more dangerous for society
  • His offences carry their own punishment'

    - Scrooge is judged by his only living relation and Fred is frustrated at his fixed mindset
    -Scrooge is only damaging himself and will continue to do more damage if he doesn't change.
  • My little, little child'
    -repetition of 'little' emphasise how small and weak Tiny Tim was and just how desperately he was in need of help
    -this makes the reader feel sympathy for Bob Cratchit.
  • I will not shut out the lessons they teach'

    - illustrates that Scrooge will not forget what he has learnt.
    -personal pronoun emphasises that Scrooge is taking responsibility for is own action
    - pivotal point in the story as is signals as the resolution to Scrooges internal conflict.
    -reader gets a sense of hope
  • Sponge away the writing on this stone'
    Scrooge finally realises the terrible consequences of his behaviour and shows remorse.
    - 'sponge away the writing' is a metaphor which conveys Scrooge desire to erase his past actions. A sense of urgency.
    -imperative verb 'smonge' implies a sense of urgency and convesy how desperate Scrooge is for a second chance.
  • I fear you more than any spectre I have seen"

    - This establishes the idea that Scrooge is changing.
    - 'fear' is abstract noun as well as use of emotional language
    -conveys that Scrooge is frightened of what is to be come of of him and is raking notice
  • I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school boy.'

    -asyndetic listing.
    -similes that convey the fact that he is no longer burdened and is filled with joy.
    -juxtaposes the similes used in the exposition of the novella when Scrooge was described as 'solitary as an oyster
  • Scrooge regarded everyone with a delighted smile'
    - adjective 'delighted' conveys the fact that Scrooge is genuinely happy with company around him.
    - concrete noun 'smile' has connotations of warmness and friendliness which suggests that Scrooge demeanour has soften.
  • I don't know anything. I'm quite the baby'

    - short sentences convey the sincerity in the realisation.
    - 'baby' suggest that he was reborn. It could also suggest determination to undergo the transformation of character.
    -new found awareness
  • God bless us, Every one!'
    - Tiny Tim embodies the spirit of Christmas.
    -exclamative conveys a sense of excitement and hope for the future.
    -Direct address emphasises the sincerity of Tiny Tim's wish.
  • I have come to dinner. Will you let me in Fred'
    -Scrooge feels uncertain about his position with his nephew due to the way he has behaved in the past
    -He is asking to be let into the family again.
    -This shows that he has now fully understood the importance of family
  • Turkey'
    -The purchase is symbolic of his transformation from miserly to generous.