
Cards (16)

    • It is a representation of the relationships of the variables involved in the study.
    conceptual framework
    • describes each work in succession starting with the earliest available information. 
    • The author organizes and discusses existing literature based on themes or theoretical concepts he or she feels are important to understanding the topic. 
  • refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way
    research design
  • is the entire pool from which a statistical sample is drawn
  • allows researchers to infer information about a population based on results from a subset of the population, without having to investigate every individual
  • heading that describes the leftmost coloumn
    stub heading
  • table 1
    table number
  • heading that describes the entries in two or more columns in the table body
    column spanner
  • headings that are stacked, often to avoid repetition in column heads
    decked heads
  • heading that identifies the entries in just one column in the table body
    column heading
  • heading that covers the entire width of the table body allowing for futher divisions
    table spanner
  • point of intersection between a row and a column
  • rows and columns of cells containing the primary data of the table
    table body
  • leftmost column of the table usually lists the major independent or predictor variables
    stub column or stub
  • explanations to supplement or clarify information in the table body
    table note