Miller reflection contemporary audience 'common man'
easier to fit Stanely paradigm, stanley 'indestructible will of a man to achieve his humanity' heroe
'the common man is the only hero left' - Miller
psychoanalytical reading
two sexual traumas disovery of Allens sexuality + rape scene destroy fagile hold on stability thus attempts to repress as coping mechanism in art,music,lit,sex
psychanalytical reading
From a psychoanalytical perspective, the poker game can be seen as a manifestation of Stanley's id-driven impulses and aggression.-phallic imagery of the poker game 'seven card stud'
psychoanalytical reading
polarised streetcar destinations desires and cemetries Freuds beleifs humans motivated conflicting central desires eros (sexual passion,love) + thanatos (death instict)
Queer theory
debate whether persons sexuality part of their essential self or socially constructed ; McEvoy 'tragic issues through female characters because of the period's public intolerance of homosexuality'