One way to protect participants from social risk is to keep their responses confidential.
Privacy is the right of individuals to decide how information about them is communicated to others.
differentiates "good" and "bad" intentions, decisions and actions
occurs when information is withheld from participants
Different types of risk in research:
psychologicalinjury (mental or emotional stress),
socialinjury (embarrassment)
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Prior to conducting any study, the proposed research must be reviewed to determine if it meets ethical standards.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Reviews research to make sure animalsaretreatedhumanely.
In addition to reviewing research procedures, these committees reviewtheanimals’livingquarters and the trainingproceduresforthosewhoworkwithanimals.
Includeatleast one scientist, one veterinarian, and one personnotaffiliatedwith the institution.
Researchers and participants enter into a social contract, often using an informedconsent procedure.
acknowledge fairly those who have contributed to a research project.
Publication credit
The researcher should explain to participants the ways in which their information will be protected and kept confidential.
Steps for Ethical Decision Making
Findoutallthefactsofthe situation.
Identify the ethical issues that are relevant.
Decide whatisatstake for all parties involved.
Identifyalternativemethods or procedures, and discussconsequences and ethicalimplications.
Ethics is the philosophy of morality
Researchers are ethically obligated to protect participants from all risk.
Deception occurs when participants are intentionally misinformed about an aspect of the research.
Responses are anonymous when individuals do not provide any identifying information.
Pros of Deception:
Deception allows researchers to studyindividuals’naturalbehavior.
Deception allows opportunities to investigate behaviors and mentalprocessesnoteasilystudied using non-deceptivemethods.
Researchers are ethically obligated to make clear to participants thenatureoftheresearch (what they will do in the experiment) and anypossiblerisks.
Informed Consent
Prio to conducting any study, the proposed research must be reviewed to determine if it meets ethical standards.
The risk/benefit ratioisasubjectiveevaluationofthecosts and benefitsofaresearchproject to: participants & society, the researcher and institution
Is the research worth it? Are the benefits greater than the risks? Will the study produce valid and interpretable results?
A moralcode is a system of morality
Three major dimensions should be considered when trying to decide whether people’s behavior is public or private:
thesensitivityoftheinformation more sensitive information is typically regarded as more private
thesettingoftheinformation in public settings, people give up a certain degree of privacy
methodofdisseminationoftheinformation sensitive information should be reported in ways so that specific individuals cannot be identified.
Don’t present substantial portions or elements of another’s work as your own.
Individuals must not be pressured toparticipate in research.
Informed consent
Minimalrisk means that the harm or discomfort participants may experience isnotgreaterthan what they might experience in their daily lives or during routine physical or psychological tests.
Explicit reflections on moral beliefs and practices
authorship should be based on the scholarly importance of individuals’ contributions.
Cons of Deception:
Deception contradicts the principle of informed consent.
The relationshipbetweenresearcher and participantisnotopen and honest.
Frequent use of deception may make individuals suspicious about research and psychology.
A moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code “do not tell lies”
Deceiving people for the purpose of getting them to participate in a research project is always unethical.
remove any identifying information
Ignorance and sloppiness are not legitimate excuses.
Informed consent must be obtained from legal guardians when individuals are not able to provide consent (e.g., children, mentally impaired individuals).
Used for recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct
Informed consent is not required when researchers observepeople’sbehavior in publicsettings.
“confidential” is not the same as “anonymous”
Research participants must be allowed to withdraw their consent at any time without penalties.
Informed Consent
Cite the sources of your ideas when you use the exact words (with quotation marks and page number) and when you paraphrase.
report results in terms of statistical averages
Individuals unable to provide legal consent must provide their assent to participation.
Written informed consent is essential when participants are exposed to morethanminimal risk.
Obtaining informed consent is a special problem in Internetresearch.