Cards (27)

  • THAUMATROPE or “wonder turner” is a simple toy which creates an illusion of movement. It is invented by Paul Roget
  • PHENAKISTOSCOPE or “to trick or cheat” is a device made by J.A Ferdinand Plateau in 1832. It uses persistence of vision principle to create an illusion if movement
  • ZOETROPE or “wheel of life” invented by William horner, a british mathematician. This device produce an illusion of movement from a rapid succession of static pictures.
  • MULTIPLANE CAMERA AND STORYBOARD was developed by walt Disney production team, William Garity in the early 1930s. It uses a stacke panes of glass each with different elements of the animation.
  • HUMMOROUS PHASES OF FUNNY FACES – it was the first animated film in 1906 by J. Stuart Blackton
  • J STUART BLACKTON is the father of animation.
  • PRAXINOSCOPE or “action viewer” was designed by Emile Reyanud. This device almost the same with zoetrope the only difference is the integration of mirror to the device
  • MICKEY MOUSE or originally known as “STEAM BOAT WILIE”
  • FELIX THE CAT is the most famous animated character
  • WILLIS HAROLD O BRIAN is the dean of stop action animation
  • TRADITIONAL ANIMATION is a system of animating which the illusion of movement is presented by photographing a sequence of individual drawings or consecutive film.
  • COMPUTER GRAPHICS graphics are created using computers.  It is used to replace physical models then create realistic intermixed elements with the live action
  • CLAYMATION is an art of moulding clay figures and making them move, talk, sing are run together to produce the animation.
  • STAGING is how you go about setting up your scene, from the placement of the characters
  • SECONDARY ACTION refers to the actions that supports or emphasize the main action to breathe more life into the animation.
  • POSE TO POSE only most important poses required to properly tells a story
  • STRAIGHT AHEAD ACTION animated from start to finish, frame by frame
  • SOLID DRAWING is about creating an accurate drawing in terms of volume and weight, balance, shadow
  • APPEAL is adding charisma in many different areas of your animation.
  • ARC refers to moves in some type of arcing motion
  • EXAGGERATION is used to push movements further, adding more appeal to an action.
  • OVERLAPPING ACTION also called “drag” or “lead” means different of the body move in different times
  • FOLLOW THROUGH is the idea that separate parts of the body will continue moving after the character has come to a stop.
  • ANTICIPATION is an animation to set the audience up for an action that is about to happen, and is required to sell believable movements.
  • EASE IN AND EASE OUT  there need to be a time for acceleration and deceleration
  • TIMING AND SPACING refers to the number of frames between two pose, or the speed of action
  • SQUASH AND STETCH is what gives flexibility to objects. Example of this is the ball when it bounce to the floor, the ball will stretch out