The smallest but most powerful part of a spreadsheet. Data can be a text, a number, or a date. Every cell is identified by its cell address, cell address contains its column letter and row number.
A worksheet is made up of individual cells which can contain a value, a formula, or text. Each worksheet in a workbook is accessible by clicking the tab at the bottom of the workbook window.
A workbook is a separate file just like every other application has. Each workbook contains one or more worksheets. You can add or delete worksheets, hide them within the workbook without deleting them, and change the order of your worksheets within the workbook.
A cell that is currently selected. It will be highlighted by a rectangular box and its address will be shown in the address bar. You can activate a cell by clicking on it or by using your arrow buttons. To edit a cell, you double-click on it or use F2 as well.
A horizontal set of cells. Every row has its own number for identity, starting from 1 to 1,048,576. You can select a row by clicking on the row number marked on the left side of the window.
A small dot present in the lower right corner of the active cell. It helps you to fill numeric values, text series, insert ranges, insert serial numbers, etc.
This tab shows all the worksheets which are present in the workbook. By default, you will see, three worksheets in your new workbook with the names Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3 respectively.