Cards (43)

  • The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others - Mahatma Gandhi
  • The human person is being not in
    isolation but in communion with others.
  • And being in communion with others means the human person interacts with The Others. As the saying goes, “No man is an island.”
  • Intersubjectivity can be understood either as a personal relationship between two subjects (not objects).
  • Martin Buber categorizes the relationship as I- Thou relationship. Simply put, this kind of relationship is not like parasitism wherein only the other species benefit while the other is harmed, it transcends mutualism where both species benefit from each other.
  • Intersubjectivity - It is a kind of relationship wherein the
    subject is aware of the presence and existence of the other subject, not as a means to an end but as a fellow human.
  • This transcendence in the I-Thou relationship can be described as EMPATHY.
  • Through empathy, the self becomes aware and attentive and listens intently (BEING WITH) to what the other feels and is thereby able to project oneself and feel what the other feels.
  • BEING WITH follows communion, interaction, and communication with others. BEING WITH follows sensitivity to the needs and desires of the others
  • “Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human… Anyone who either cannot lead a common life or is self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god.”
  • SERVIR which means “to do duty toward,
    offer, provide with…
  • SERVIRE which means figuratively “be devoted.
  • EAC defined service as strong sense of duty and responsibility of helping others for the school, community, country, and Mother Nature.
  • Servics - A condition in which an individual surrenders his personal liberty and or his or her course of action or way of life to the will of another person.
  • “We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our automobiles, rather than by the quality of our service relationship to humanity. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • True virtuous service is found only where the one who is to be served has the right to be served and the one who serves does so freely
  • Truth - You have many gifts. You can use them to be of service to another; be it your family, friends, classmates, the school, your neighborhood, the country, and ecology. Never tell yourself you aren’t enough. You have something to offer!
  • In a world where many people work hard, compete, and strive to get ahead, acts of kindness are not always abundant. Helping others, especially when it is inconvenient, is something for which many people do not take time. The time it takes to help someone else in a small way is not wasted when it improves someone else’s well-being. Acts of helping others also bring joy and satisfaction into the lives of those who practice deeds of kindness.
  • People give of themselves for causes that are important to them
  • Values are what people build their lives on, what identifies
    their character, and what helps them express significance in daily activities. They are the beliefs and attitudes that
    guide behavior
  • Seeing value in helping others is a worthy component in a person, and some people possess this as part of their value system while others do not see the need for it.
  • Helping others means taking time out to do something for someone else. It may be something someone is unable to do for himself, because of time; finances; or physical disability. Helping others also may be as small as a friendly smile, which may seem insignificant, but can be meaningful and uplifting to the person receiving it. Some people believe that taking time out for others is a waste of effort. Helping others is recognizing that giving is never wasted, and the person who gives can receive much in return
  • An advantage of helping others is giving something to another person who may not be able to help himself. A small act of kindness may be just what a hurting or
    tired person needs at that moment. Volunteering provides necessary help for understaffed or underfunded organizations that wish to help people but do not have resources to hire employees. Those in need of help are everywhere: a spouse, next-door neighbor, a stranger at the store or someone in another country. There is no limit to what can be done to help others
  • Helping others not only provides assistance for someone in need but is also beneficial for the person taking time to help
  • Those who spend time helping others deal with less symptoms of depression, have better physical health and experience more of an overall sense of satisfaction about life than those who do not consistently help others with their needs
  • Helping others
    Makes a person feel needed, which provides a boost to self-esteem
  • Helping others
    May give someone a new perspective on life by realizing how fortunate he is compared with others in unlucky situations
  • Nurses have critical roles and responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Nurses will continue to be at the
    front line of patient care in hospitals and
    actively involved with evaluation and
    monitoring in the community
  • Nurses have to ensure that all patients acquire personalized, high-quality services
    irrespective of their infectious condition.
  • Nurses also engage in planning for
    anticipated COVID-19 related outbreaks,
    which increase the demand for nursing
    and healthcare services that might
    overload systems
  • Moreover, nurses must
    maintain effective supply and usage of
    sanitation materials and personal
    protective equipment and offer screening
    information, confinement guidelines, and
    triage protocols based on the latest
    guidance. A global pandemic needs strong
    nursing staff engagement in clinical
    management, awareness and knowledge
    exchange, and public safety
  • Work of medical laboratory professionals
    • Provide clinical support for the diagnosis of COVID-19
    • Examples of the spread of COVID-19 due to lack of testing or patient awareness
    • Positive or negative result impacts patient response and isolation protocols to minimize the spread of the virus
    • Testing extends far beyond positive or negative confirmation of COVID-19 for many patients
  • Laboratory testing
    1. Daily monitoring of the medical status of critically ill patients
    2. Therapeutic drug monitoring to ensure the correct amounts of medications are provided
    3. Assist patient care teams with providing the best possible outcomes and treatment plans
  • Doctors and hospital staff - Everyday, the selfless warriors are giving it their all in health-care settings while cutting themselves off from their families and loved ones. The sacrifice that they are making for the safety and welfare of humanity is priceless and deserves lifelong gratitude on our end. Most importantly, we must reassess the value health-care workers hold in our lives and the kind of treatment they get from us
  • Dr and hospital staff - medical professionals their respect,
    compensation, and infrastructure that
    they truly deserve once this crisis is over.
    Moreover, the world needs to work towards
    advancement in medical research and
    technology. Nothing will be a greater
    tribute to the health-care workers than
    ★ One of the essential elements of the
    training of soldiers is the preparation to
    be sent to a crisis area or, in the most
    extreme case of war, to the frontline. As
    you may have already understood, I do not
    want to talk about this kind of frontline
    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis
    and its official recognition as a pandemic
    by the WHO, military personnel have been
    deployed to support societies in almost all
    European countries. From specialized
    military medical personnel to logistics
    and security personnel, soldiers were
    deployed to deal with this pandemic.
    ★ When you are too busy to serve, you are too
    busy to live life fully.
    ★ We erroneously believe that the world
    revolves around us.
  • You can give someone else something that no one
    else can give- You.
    Yes, treasure from your own personal stash of
    experiences, knowledge, skills, and feelings.