X ray images – shadow pictures are formed when an object is placed between the x ray and photographic film. The dense part like bonesabsorb the rays whereas soft parts like tissue let rays pass through.
Digitalsubtractionangiography – contrast media matches with xrayenergy.Increasesabsorption ability of x ray. When inserted into blood vessels, this shows the blood vessels clearly on the xray due to it absorbing the rays.
DSA - Normalxraypicture is taken. Another x ray picture with the media is taken. One picture with the anatomy is digitallysubtracted from the other to just reveal the bloodvessels.
CT (computerized tomography) – objectstructurereconstructed by collecting all the x ray images taken from around the object.
CTformation - Computer forms a 3Darray. Each array is related to a specific part of the body. Each array has a number that shows the amount of Xrayabsorption. This is then collected by the computer. Each number has color assigned to it and an image is constructed.
Choice of colour is important for image quality.
CT projections – modern CT machine can form multiple2D images to combine it and form a detailed 3D image. During a CT scan the x ray source and detectors move around the patient in a circular pattern or the patient moves in a spiral motion.
Outside CT the CT settings are controlled.
In computer assisted surgery CT forms 3D images using fast microprocessors.