Europe before industrialization and capitalism, family: Tended to be based on arranged marriage, Had less privacy/autonomy (was not separate from community), Little or no private property (family house / land), Less patriarchal for the most part (especially pre-agricultural family)
New gender division of labour: Man = labour, Work man can do = labour power, Male children = future labour, Woman = nurturer of man's labour power, Woman = nurturer of new labour, Female children = future nurturer
Idea of "romantic love"; end of the middle ages (5th-15thC.); from "courtly love" (12th C.)
Chivalrously expressing love and admiration; amongst nobility; not between married spouses
The lover accepts the independence of his mistress; tries to prove worthiness; by acting bravely and honourably and by doing whatever deeds she might desire, subjecting himself to a series of tests (ordeals) to prove to her his love and commitment
People have always fallen in love, and throughout the ages many couples have loved each other deeply. But only rarely in history has love been seen as the main reason for getting married (Coontz, 2005)
Bruckner (2013) argued that marriage used to be sacred and love, unnecessary. Now love is sacred and marriage unnecessary. Love has triumphed, but may be causing unstable lives
Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914): 'love, n. A temporary insanity curable by marriage … This disease … is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages'
Men marry younger women on average – "mating gradient"
Men marry women with lower income on average
Men are required to 'court' women as with courtly love; pay for dates, events, rings, to show their worth
The man's career is favoured in the relationship
Women's economic input (and independence) is lowered gradually relatively
Result: woman has no equivalent career; can't afford the lifestyle she is accustomed to; has diminished power in relationship; may be a serious problem if she becomes unhappy (which is common – 50% divorce rate)
Modern capitalist system has declined, required stable nuclear family. Post-modern capitalist system has increased, requires flexible individuals working multiple jobs, requires very individualistic consumers