Asserts that market-oriented reform policies like eliminating price controls, lowering trade barriers, and reducing state influence in the economy will lead to economic growth
The "plan" (neoliberalism) was financed by many of the world's wealthiest people and corporations who wanted a plan to reduce taxation and government control
The wealthiest economies were only about 4X wealthier than the poorest per capita in 1850, but now the GNP per capita (ppp) of Luxembourg (2nd richest) is 153 times larger than Somalia (poorest)
Cultural globalization is enforced by WTO/WB/IMF or bilateral/multilateral free trade agreements, limiting government control to protect national cultures from international media and business
Power has been taken from national governments and given to global financial speculators, large corporations, and international organizations like the IMF/WTO/WB
A political and economic theory that advocates for the collective ownership and democratic control of the means of production, as well as social welfare for all members of society.