Paper 2-Theme C

Cards (13)

  • Design argument
    That God designed the universe because everything is so intricately designed it could not have happened by chance
  • Design argument man
    William Paley- with the watch- things are right for their purpose
  • DA- strengths
    -Examples e.g. eyes
    -Can include biblical stories of creation
  • DA -weaknesses
    -Natural selection
    -If God designed the world, why is there is much suffering?
  • Cosmological argument
    Everything that exists or begins to exist has a cause
  • CA- strengths
    -Scientifically proven that everything has a cause e.g. God say "Let there be light, and there was light"
    -Works with science e.g. big bang was caused by God
  • CA- weaknesses
    -If God is eternal why is it not the same for the universe?
    -Religious stories are myths so we do not know the truth.
  • Miracle
    A seemingly impossible event, usually good, that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws and is thought to be an action of God.
  • 2 types of miracles
    1. Events that break natural laws
    2. Happy coincidences
  • Examples of miracles
    Nebraska choir
    -Eight member were late for choir practise that day
    -If they has been on time they would have been caught by the explosion at the church
    -There was a gas leak
  • Arguments against God's existence:
    -It has not been proved yet
    -There is scientific proof that the universe was created by the big bang not God
    -There is no need to create a God to make sense of what we do not know yet
  • Arguments against God's existence:
    The problem of evil
    -God would know we were suffering and have the power to stop the suffering as he is all-loving and all-powerful
  • Buddhists view of evil
    People act in evil ways because of greed, hatred and ignorance
    People have the ability to act good/evil but do not have the awareness to make good choices