Cards (8)

  • barriers to reduce the entry of pathogens
    Hairs in the nose
  • How does skin help to defend against disease?
    It secretes oils and antimicrobials substances that kill pathogens
    It covers the body, physically preventing pathogens from entering
  • Does skin act as a physical or chemical barrier to pathogens?
  • What substance does the stomach produce to kill pathogens?
    hydrochloric acid
  • What is the role of the immune system?
    To locate and destroy pathogens that enter the body
  • functions of white blood cells
    Producing antibodies
    produce anti toxins
  • Stages of phagocytosis
    Phagocytosis is carried out by a special type of white blood cell called a phagocyte.
    The first step is for the phagocyte to track down a pathogen, and then bind to it.
    The phagocyte's membrane will then surround the pathogen and engulf it.
    Finally, enzymes inside the phagocyte break down the pathogen in order to destroy it
  • What do anti-toxins do?
    Neutralise toxins released by bacteria