
Cards (6)

  • refugees are forced to leave their country and they are defined and protected under the international law and must not be expelled or returned to situations where they live
  • internally displaced people are people which have been displaced within their own country
  • refugee convention 1951
    key legal documents forming basis of all UN work to support refugees signed by 144 states. outlines the right of a refugee and their protection. principle non-refoument not allowed to return to country which threatens freedom which is core of the international law
  • UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, established in 1950 as part of the UN system. main role is to protect and assist refugees worldwide. has over 67 million people who need assistance due to conflict and persecution. provides shelter, food, water, education and medical care.
  • geopolitical tension of the middle east
    middle east largest source region. internal fighting and intervention by powerful external forces causing flight of millions of people. stakes were raised by ongoing superpowers USA Russia and China
  • land grabbing
    refugee movements rise due to land grabbing. its an economic injustice which involves the acquisition of large areas developing countries by mncs . land is seized from vulnerable by powerful forces and is not paid for. indigneous groups like substance farming communities have legal claim over ancesteral land and some lack literacy and education to fight rights in the court of law