Cards (10)

  • Hinduism…
    • The world’s oldest religion, established along the Indus Valley 
    • Third most popular religion in the world 
    • Has no singular founder 
    • Is also considered as a “way of life” because it represents the people’s culture, habits, and customs
    • The Vedas sacred texts of Hinduism written in Sanskrit which they believe have been revealed to them by the gods. 
  • Trimurti -  among the many gods and goddesses in Hinduism, devout Hindus have 3 major gods which are; Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer).
    • Samsara the cycle of reincarnation, or transmigration of souls 
    • Karma the choices one has made in the past directly affect one’s present condition; the choice made today will have consequences for future lives
    • Moksha the liberation from the cycle of samsara
    Moksha is the ultimate goal of Hindus because one’s liberation from samsara will lead to a better self-understanding. 
    • Dharma refers to one’s purpose or obligation 
  • Dharma an be classified into two: 
    Vishesha Dharma – socio-religious obligations determined according to one’s gender, social class and life stage
    Ex. As a student, what is your dharma?
    Sadharana Dharma – universal social norms applicable to all human beings regardless of religious affiliation & historical cultural context.
    Ex. Respect for life, respect for the properties of others
    • Yoga are pathways to attain salvation (Moksha) 
    Yoga is an important spiritual exercise for the Hindus because it helps a person in uniting oneself with their god.
    • Hindu Caste System division of Hindu society according to their labor.