
Cards (29)

  • Hazan and Shaver's 1987 love quiz found correlations between adult and child attachment types
  • McCarthy's 1999 study found adults with long-lasting and secure animal friendships and romantic relationships were securely attached in infancy
  • Kagan's temperament hypothesis suggests infant and adult relationships are due to inherited temperament, not attachment
  • Adult early attachment research is correlational so it's impossible to establish a cause and effect relationship between early childhood attachment and later adult relationship styles
  • Internal working model
    Schema about how relationships work based on experience with primary caregiver
  • Infant's internal working model

    Influences later childhood and adult relationships
  • Attachment styles

    • Secure
    • Insecure avoidant
    • Insecure resistant
  • Secure infant attachment

    Leads to social abilities needed to develop secure adult and childhood relationships
  • Insecure infant attachment

    Leads to struggles to have effective later relationships
  • Securely attached adults

    Believe love is long-lasting, report more happiness and less loneliness than insecure adults
  • McCarthy's research found secure infants grew into adults with long-lasting and secure relationships, while insecure infants had poor relationships
  • Parenting styles low in warmth and high in neglect

    Linked to children assessed as bullies
  • Parenting styles focused on punishments

    Linked to children assessed as victims
  • Good early relationship with father

    Leads to more friends when child gets to nursery
  • Research on link between early and later attachments relies on correlational data, so cannot establish cause and effect
  • Kagan's temperament hypothesis argues babies are born with an inherited high or low reactive temperament, which influences their later relationship styles
  • Kerns- quality of friendship

    Secure had the best quality friendships whilst insecure had more difficulties
  • Myron-Wilson + Smith - bullying

    standard questionnaire of 196 children found:
    • secure = not involved in bullying
    • insecure a = bullied
    • insecure r = bully others
  • Hazan and Shaver - love quiz
    620 replies to local newspaper
    56% = secure - long lasting
    25% = Insecure A - jealous and fear of intimacy
    19% = Insecure R
  • Fearon and Roisman - early attach

    consistent predictor of well-being and attach to own children in the future
  • Disorgantised attachment
    Strongly associated with future mental disorder
  • Deterministic
    • believe bad attach inevitably leads to bad parenting in the future
    • there are many cases of insecurely attached children growing up and having stong happy relationships
  • Simpson et al - longitudinal study

    from infancy to adulthood attach type and romantic relationships were assessed
    secure = emotionally expressive and more attached
  • Retrospective studies
    relies on honesty and accuracy
    hard to check adult attachment or early attachment
  • Confounding variables
    Parenting styles
    genetically influenced personality - kagan
  • Clarke + Clarke - probabilistic insecure

    attchment type doesn't increase risk
    no one is doomed to be a victim of bullying
  • Deterministic continued
    knowing attach type helps intervene BUT pessimism can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Fraley - early attach and success 

    conducted a meta-analysis of studies- found correlations of up to 0.50 between early attachment types and later relationships
    shows varying predictability
  • Fraley - 0.5 correlation

    suggests that some attachment types are more unstable over time
    reduces the confidence in Bowlby's theories of attachment and continuity