plants characteristics

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  • Diversity
    -Variability among living organisms
    -normally associated with morphological traits
    -response to one of the three main functions
    - Forms follow function
  • Plants
    -Have a cell wall
  • Plant systems
    -Shoot system: gets light and direct contact with air
    -Root system: no light or contact with air
  • Meristematic tissue
    -Ability to reproduce asexually
    -small, cuboidal densely packed cells
    -thin cell walls, large nuclei, and small vacuoles almost no intercellular space
    -capable of stretching, enlarging, and differentiating into another type of tissue
    -found in tips of roots, stems, nodes of the stem, between xylem and phloem, under the epidermis, and producing branch roots
  • Apical tissue (subdivision of meristematic tissue)
    -Found in roots
    - During division, it helps in cell enlargement
    -Influences the shape of mature plants
  • Lateral tissue (subdivision of meristematic tissue)

    - Found along stem and roots
    -Has a vital role in increasing the width of the plant
  • Intercalary (subdivision of meristematic tissue)
    -Forms the internodes, mainly found at the bases of young leaves or branches
    -Responsible for lengthening and forming branches from twigs
  • Parenchyma
    -Largest portion of plant cell
    -Circular shape, very thin walls, very large vacuoles
    -Synthesise and store food products, control plant's metabolic reactions and regeneration
  • Palisade Parenchyma
    -Photosynthetic parenchyma
    -tightly jointed cylinder-like cells, with little intercellular
    -Usually on the face of the leaf facing the sun, below the upper epidermis
    sun-intensive leaves are smaller and thicker (more layers of palisade parenchyma); shadow leaves have greater surface but thinner(less palisade layers)
  • Spongy Parenchyma
    -Cells also contain chlorophyll, but cell density is much smaller
    -Circular cell, with bigger intercellular spaces so that air from outside can travel
    -Close to lower epidermis
  • Collenchyma
    -Specialized type of parenchyma
    -Found in the green parts of plants
    -Elongated cells with unevenly thickened walls
    -Provides certain rigidity while allowing growth of the organisms
  • Sclerenchyma
    -Rigid, non-living cells that provide strength
    -Thick lignified secondary walls contain lignin
    two types: sclereids and fibres
  • Sclereids
    Short, irregular with thick lignified walls
  • Fibres
    Long and slender, arranged in threads
  • Plant stem

    • Important difference among plant groups is vascular tissue
  • Vascular tissue

    Allows to transport nutrients
  • Xylem
    • Transports from roots to leaves, unidirectional, inner part
  • Phloem
    • Bidirectional, outer part
  • Heartwood
    Completely dead, structural function
  • Xylem
    Has been lignified
  • Seed
    • Provides protection against temporary drought or cold: dormancy
    • Allows survival during long cold or dry periods: perennation
    • Provides nutrients for the take off
  • Seed appears in gymnosperms
  • Seed
    • Adaptation for dispersal: by wind, animals
  • Cotyledon
    First leaves of a plant
  • Flowers
    • Reproductive structures, only in evolved plants, increase chances of pollination by enabling a new type: zoophilous
  • Flowers appear in angiosperms
  • Main classification of plants

    • Gymnosperms
    • Angiosperms
  • Gymnosperms and angiosperms have seeds but angiosperms have flowers