Orgman - leading and managing

Cards (22)

  • Sole Proprietorship
    • A business that only one individual owns.
    • Simplest and least costly form ofownership.Example:grocery store, repair shop, beauty parlor.
  • Partnership
    A type of
    business that two or more individuals own.
    • The profit of the business is divided among the partners.
    • Two MainTypes: GeneralPartnership &LimitedPartnership.
  • Corporation
    A business organization with unlimited commercial life.
    • Incorporators refer to those who originally formed the corporation.
    • Evidenced by articles & bylaws approved by the SEC.
  • Managing is the administration of organizations, whether they are a business or organization.
  • Leading
    is motivating and influencing the behavior of people
    to achieve
    organizational objectives.
  • "Management is a process by which a cooperative group directs towards common goals."
    By: Joseph Masse
  • "Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. it is all about one life influencing another."
    By: John C. Maxwell
  • Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute to the organization's success.
  • Management is to control a group or group of individuals in order to achieve a specified objective.
  • Leading
    Vision & strategy
    Creating value
    Influence & inspiration
    Have followers
    Leading people
    People focused
    Charismatic style
    Risk & change seekers
    Appeal to the heart
    Sets direction
    Raising expectations
    Ask questions
  • Managing
    Policies & procedures
    Counting value
    Power & control
    Have subordinates
    Managing work
    Work focused
    Authoritarian style
    Risk averse & stability
    Appeal to the head
    Plans detail
    Maintain status quo
    Give directions
  • Leading & Managing
    Accomplish a goal
    Explain vision
    Organization figureheads
    Motivate others
    Mobilize resources
    Make decisions alone without consulting team members. This is helpful in quick decision-making however, this form of leadership can demoralize team members.
    These leaders ensure that the team members have high productivity as well as job satisfaction.
    Maintain the upper-level management but ensure that everyone else is not negatively affected by it.
    The leaders are committed to their rules and want to get things done in a particular order and manner.
    The French term "Laissez-Faire" means that the leader lets the team do it. (interpreted as zero delegation or zero leadership
    This type of leadership always follows the concept of transformation. The team members get the chance of letting their creativity flow.
    Motivating and inspiring your team remains the primary goal of you as the leader. However, there is no transformation in this process.
    The leaders and followers transact rewards and punishments for the tasks performed. For the goals set and accomplished, the leader rewards the team members.
    This type of leadership identifies and nurtures the strengths of each of the members for better teamwork and better strategy building.
    The leader gains their position due to their ideals, ethics, and values and holds high integrity and generosity.