Image/Sound Representation

Cards (12)

  • Metadata is data about the data, such as the file size, type, and location of the file
  • Image file size = colour depth * image width * image height
  • How do you find the colour depth?
    log2\log_2 (colours) and round up
  • What is the difference between digital and analogue data?
    Analogue data is continuous, digital is discrete
  • How does an ADC work?
    1. Analogue sounds are sampled
    2. Each sample is quantised
    3. Value is stored as binary
  • How does an DAC work?

    Binary value converted to analogue (AC) current
  • What is the sample resolution?
    The number of bits used to record each amplitude
  • Sound file size = sample rate * resolution * length
  • What is Nyquist Theorum?
    Sample rate > 2 x frequency
  • What is a MIDI?

    Used with electronic musical instruments to store music
  • Advantages of MIDI over sampling?
    Easy manipulation without quality loss and are often smaller file size.
  • Disadvantages of MIDI
    Cannot store speech and less realistic sound than sampled