1. Parallel Arm Position: Grasp bar with closed pronated grip slightly wider than shoulder width, place bar on top of anterior deltoids and clavicles, fully flex elbows to position upper arms parallel to floor
2. Crossed-Arm Position: Flex elbows and cross arms on front of chest, move up to bar to place on top of anterior deltoids, use open grip with hands on top of bar and fingers holding in place, raise elbows to position arms parallel to floor
3. Maintain neutral back, elbows high, chest up and out
4. Allow hips and knees to slowly flex while keeping torso-to-floor angle relatively constant
5. Keep heels on floor, knees aligned over feet, do not flex torso forward or round back
6. Continue flexing hips and knees until tops of thighs parallel to floor
7. Extend hips and knees at same rate to return to starting position, keep heels on floor, knees aligned, do not flex or round back