An average of 3 or more sound repetitions, prolongations, or blocks per 100 words
An average of 3 or more stuttering-like disfluencies (i.e., single-syllable word repetitions, syllable repetitions, sound repetitions, prolongations, or blocks) per 100 words
Seventy-two percent or more stuttering-like disfluencies per total disfluencies
Twenty-five percent or more of the total disfluencies are prolongations or blocks
Instances in which repetitions, prolongations, or blocks occur in adjacent sounds or syllables within a word
Increases in the rate and irregularity of repetitions
Signs of excess tension or struggle during moments of disfluency
Secondary behaviors such as eye blinks, facial tics, or interjections immediately before or during disfluencies
Feelings of frustration about disfluencies