
Cards (57)

  • Media languages
    • Media codes and conventions
    • Audiences
    • Producers
    • Stakeholders
  • Media codes
    • Generally have an agreed meaning or connotation to their audience
    • Are symbol systems that, when combined, produce meaning
  • Colors and their meanings
    • Red (love, passion, danger, anger, power, courage)
    • Orange (energy, vitality, warmth, comfort, friendship, sociability, adventure, exploration)
    • Yellow (happiness, optimism, caution, intellect, creativity)
    • Green (nature, growth, harmony and balance, jealousy, envy)
    • Blue (sadness, melancholy, trust, loyalty, freedom, calm)
    • Violet (royalty, luxury, spirituality, mysticism, creativity, imagination)
    • Black (mystery, elegance, grief, mourning, authority, power)
    • White (purity, innocence, peace, tranquility, sterility, coldness)
  • Technical codes

    Methods and components used in a movie's creation to produce strong feelings, interest viewers, and transmit meaning
  • Hem
    Frequently used in storytelling to draw attention to significant events or character growth, giving the story more depth and intimacy
  • Medium Close Up (MCU)
    Camera framing where the subject is usually framed in high detail as the attention is on a particular detail or portion of the subject
  • Close Up (CU)

    Camera framing where the subject is framed in high detail to generate feelings from the audience, disclose significant information, or foster a feeling of closeness
  • Extreme Close Up (ECU)

    Camera framing where the camera fills the frame with a single, tiny detail or portion of a subject to highlight the subject's importance or emotional effect, to highlight minute details, or to establish a close relationship with the viewer
  • Cutaway (CA)

    A kind of filming in which a quick view leaves the main action to reveal another important detail, such as an object, a character's response, or a different place
  • Exposure
    The quantity of light that hits the film or sensor of the camera, which has a direct impact on the end product's brightness and appearance
  • Lens Choice
    Choosing the right lens is essential as it has a direct impact on the final image or video's composition, perspective, and overall appearance
  • Editing
    The important process of choosing and putting together an unprocessed video or picture to produce a visually appealing and coherent result
  • Types of Editing
    • Graphic Edits
    • Rhythmic Edits
    • Spatial Edits
    • Temporal Edits
  • Graphic Edits

    The act of modifying visual components seen in a film or image, including text, logos, graphics, and other design elements
  • Rhythmic Edits
    Used to prioritize the synchronization of visual and aural components to provide a feeling of intensity, tempo, and rhythm
  • Spatial Edits
    Editing that alters the spatial connections between items inside a frame or between other frames in a sequence
  • Temporal Edits
    Editing that involves adjusting the time between images or frames to provide rhythm, emotional impact, and narrative coherence
  • Audio
    The expressive or naturalistic use of sound, including music, sound effects, dialogue, and ambient noises, to create the overall audiovisual story
  • Lighting
    The manipulation of natural or artificial light to highlight specific elements of the scene selectively to affect a scene's mood, ambiance, and visual narrative
  • Written Codes
    The formal written language used in a media product, including spoken language like dialogue and song lyrics
  • Convention Codes
    The accepted or widely recognized methods, symbols, or patterns that are employed in a certain medium to communicate with the viewer or transmit meaning
  • Types of Convention Codes
    • Form Conventions
    • Story Conventions
    • Genre Conventions
  • Form Conventions
    The accepted guidelines, procedures, or frameworks that directors follow when producing a picture to preserve the efficacy, coherence, and clarity of the narrative
  • Story Conventions
    The constant themes, motifs, and devices used in storytelling in a variety of media to give stories familiarity and structure
  • Genre Conventions
    The distinctive qualities, components, and motifs that are commonly linked to particular storytelling genres to help viewers identify and comprehend the kind of tale being delivered
  • Audiences
    The people or groups that watch, listen to, read, play video games, watch movies, read books, or interact with digital media
  • Types of Audiences
    • Media Audiences
    • Target Audiences
  • Media Audiences
    Can be as small as one person reading a magazine or as large as billions of people worldwide watching events/concerts
  • Target Audiences
    Defined by specific characteristics such as age, income, gender, or interests
  • Director
    Responsible for transforming the screenplay or concept into an audible and visual experience that is consistent with their artistic vision, making creative choices about performance, cinematography, sound design, and casting
  • Producer
    Supervises every facet of production from development to distribution, making sure the film stays on track, stays under budget, and satisfies quality requirements
  • Stakeholders
    Individuals, groups, or organizations impacted by a project's outcome who are interested in the project's success
  • Information
    tool in getting information throught media
  • Education
    filling the gaps through media
  • Entertainment
    enhance our feelings
  • persuasion
    affects our decision making
  • socialization
    building relationships through media
  • Setting
    important for creating atmosphere, tone and context
  • Physical Setting
  • Time Setting
    time period (historical or futuristic)