Lenin held similar views to Luxembourg as he believed socialism could come about before capitalism. The 10 stages of history were not as rigid as Marx suggested
In opposition to Luxembourg, Lenin believed class consciousness would come about as the result of a revolution rather than causing it. He saw himself as an educator
Democratic centralism is Lenin's idea of having a one party state but allowing widespread discussion and dissent within that party
Trotsky'spermanent revolution theory said that a socialist state couldn't survive unless other states around it were also socialist. Stalin disagreed with this
Stalin was isolationist rather than internationalist
Stalin collectivised agriculture so it became state owned. This led to the 1932 Great Famine and dissenters being sent to prison camps
Chairman Mao believed in a cultural revolution to eradicate anti-socialist ideas prevailing in society. He persecuted anyone practicing traditional Chinese religions.
Fidel Castro overthrew the Batista regime and created the first communist state in the Western hemisphere
Tony Benn argued the Labour party should reinvent itself as a socialist party as the failures of the Wilson and Callaghan governments showed that socialism cannot work within a capitalist system
The Winter of Discontent (1978) was a period of strikes which occured when the UK Labour government took a loan from the IMF (1976) that then forced them to cut public spending. This meant public sector workers went underfunded.
Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital
Giddens wrote Beyond left and right
Crosland wrote the Future of Socialism
Luxembourg wrote Reform or Revolution
revolutionary socialists criticize gradualists for 'humanising' capitalism
socialists believe humans are naturally fraternal and that human nature is malleable
socialists believe that human nature is corrupted by capitalism which forces individuals to compete
communism is when all wealth is owned by all individuals and the state controls the means of production
collectivism supports people working together for the commongood which is prioritised and has a higher worth than individual actions
crosland criticised 11+ examinations for dividing children into grammar schools, state technicals and state moderns based on their abilities. Some schools prepared children for academia while others for unskilled labour.
as education secretary crosland created a comprehensive system of education where there was a mix of skills and classes
socialists believe that human nature must be viewed in the context of the society that they live in as we are shaped by socio-economic forces outside of our control
socialists believe in commonhumanity which is the idea that people inherently want to work together to create a better, more just society
utopian socialists, Fourier and Owen, created collectivist societies with common ownership but ones that only worked on a small scale
dialectic change causes a change in the stage of history and is normally driven by economic factors
it is claimed that common ownership allows for a much more efficient, equitable and organised allocation of goods by the state
historicalmaterialism is the idea that the next stage of history comes about due to a clash of economic ideas
collectivism is the idea that society should work together for the common good. Cooperation is more efficient than individual competition
Marx believes humans are naturally altruistic which is when they place the well-being/happiness of others or the commongoodabove their own interests
luxembourg thought revolution would arise from spontaneousstrike action and there would be no dictatorship of the proletariat, just the emergence of socialism
embourgeoisement is the increasingly middle class society
Peter Mandelson said that 'we are intenselyrelaxed about people getting filthystinkingrich... just as long as they pay their taxes'
Ralph Miliband was a neo-Marxist and believed that statesponsoredanti-socialist forces were out to get Labour governments and force them to dilute their agendas. He therefore wanted a revolution
Euro-communists like Gramsci wanted to create a socialist culturalvanguard to counter capitalism's cultural domination. They were fundamentalist but not revolutionary.
George Napolitano of the Italian Communist Party was Italian President from 2006-2015
Luxembourg reacted to WW1 which she was against because she is an internationalist and wanted solidarity of workers across borders to bring about socialism, not for a war to be fought between them.
Luxemburg also reacted to the existence of pre-industrialunder-developed countries that could become socialist before having to go through the horrors of capitalism
Beatrice Webb said revolutions are 'chaotic, inefficient and counter-productive'
in 1909 Webb produced a minority report while on RoyalCommission which influenced the Beveridge Report
Crosland believed society had become more complex since Marx's time with it no longer just being the proletariat and the bourgeoise but new classes of managers and technocrats