Cards (2)

  • Disc-related pain - Disc Bulge/Herniations:
    • disc bulges refer to the circumferential diffuse symmetric extension of the annulus beyond the end plates of the adjacent vertebral bodies
    • may be associated with mild loss of disc height
    • typically not clinically significant unless it occurs with the presence of other signs and symptoms which can cause pain or other disabling features
    • associated with local pain from the disc and its surrounding tissue
    • leading cause for referred pain
  • Disc-related pain - Types of Disc Bulge:
    • Bulge / Degeneration - Annular fibres are intact
    • Protrusion - Localised bulging with some damage of annular fibres
    • Extrusion - Extended bulge with loss of annular fibres but disc remains intact
    • Sequestration - Fragment of disc broken off from nucleus pulposus
    • for pts 30 - 55 yrs, we expect them to present with acute disc symptoms when they come in with such signs and symptoms
    • for pts 55 + yrs we assume the reason for a disc bulge is due to degeneration
    • Studies show up to 60% of people without back symptoms have disc bulges and protrusions on MRI