quotes- analysis + themes

Cards (11)

  • 'One summer evening (led by her)'
    • romantic setting
    • set in evening -foreshadowing that it will take a dark turn
    • personification - referring to nature as if she was his lover, he's being seduced- strong relationship between humans + nature at the start of poem.
    • N superior poem ref to mother nature who is responsible for giving life to entire earth but acc mums r only responsible for one kid. pronouns believe he's equal to N
    • 'one' signif evening - remembers vividly
    • false sense of control, N is controlling him but he was dismissive of N power, thought N should be protected
  • power of nature (individual experience, fear)
    When, from behind that craggy steep till then
    The horizon’s bound, a huge peak, black and huge,
    As if with voluntary power instinct,
    Upreared its head.
  • W F B T C S T T T H B A H P B A H A I W V P I U I H
    • conjunction 'when' - tone shift flips the relationship between man + nature - enhanced by the harsh adjectives to characterize the peak
    • hyperbole - natures supremacy becomes apparent - he's in awe
    • repetition of 'huge' - shows N supremacy + speaker's fear
    • colour imagery 'black' - deathly image - N seen as monstrous/ evil
    • preposition 'behind' nature has turned on him unexpectedly
    • personification - peak power is voluntary come to attack him - plays on childhood fears→monster
  • power of nature→ N hasnt changed but it is both awe- inspiring + untamable ppl should learn to live with it and not try + control it bc its not possible
    negative emotion fear →he doesnt want to admit is fear
    With trembling oars I turned, And through the silent water stole my way Back to the covert of the Willow tree.

  • W T O I T A T T S W S M W B T T C O T W T
    • personification -oars - doesn't want to admit he's scared, tries to detach himself + save his pride. Dental plosive alliteration of 't' t' mimics him stuttering - fear
    • 'silent water' repeated earlier- he's changed but N hasn't but also shows the complexity of N - can be kind but also brutal - shouldn't be underestimated
    • sibilance 'silent'' stole ' - soft sound- shame for stealing boat - sibilance before 'struck + struck again' was more violent - signified mans battle w/ N but now he realizes N is untamable
  • W T O I T A T T S W S M W B T T C O T W T
    • cyclical structure - back to willow tree - his encounter w/ N has changed how he views N
    • enjambment - speaker being out of breath, fear
  • themes - power of nature→ N hasnt changed but it is both awe- inspiring + untamable ppl should learn to live with it and not try + control it bc its not possible
  • themes -negative emotions - pride - humanity's innate pride leads to ignorance → offences against the forces they underestimate - power of N. this is seen thru the darkness of the color used to show that the speaker has metaphorically been living in the dark + is v unaware to his own insignificance
  • themes - memory - romanticizes his mem of the event bc it had a big impact on him. felt like he's taking a very serious journey of self-discovery thru the use of the boat to achieve this
  • themes - individual experiences - speaker recalling events which r clearly v personal to him that he experienced first hand. Also on his journey when he sees the huge mountain he's intimated + comes to the realization of his own insignificance + how stupid +dangerous his confidence in N inferiority was .
  • structure
    • iambic petameter- sounds like a heartbeat - love for nature or fear - heart beating fast
    • abstract epic poem