Wounded Knee Massacre 1890

Cards (9)

  • Sioux reservations
    Conditions of despair and desperation due to consequences of the US government's actions in the Battle of Little BigHorn
  • Wovoka
    Chief who had a vision that if Indians performed a secret dance called the Ghost Dance, the Great Plain Indian land would be restored because the whites would disappear
  • Ghost Dance
    1. Secret dance that spread among Indians
    2. Indian Agents became worried
    3. Many started to perform the dance
    4. Police got involved
  • Police attempted to stop Sitting Bull from continuing the dance, believing it was an act of rebellion, and shot him dead
  • Followers of Sitting Bull fled to join the BigFoot tribe
  • BigFoot tribe sent to Wounded Knee Creek to be guarded
    27th December 1890
  • Disarming of Sioux tribe by 7th US Cavalry
    1. Some resisted
    2. Some continued to dance
    3. 7th US Cavalry shot the first fire
  • Over 100 Indians had died and 23 US soldiers including 7 Indian babies
  • The public generally approved of the massacre because they saw it as revenge for the Battle of the Little BigHorn