Cards (20)

  • What is the definition of personality ?
    A pattern of thinking and behaviour that prevails across time and situations. It differentiates people. In terms of psychology , its a dynamic concept which describes a persons psychological system.
  • What are the features of a nomothetic approach of personality?
    Personality is inherited
    Environment has little influence
  • What are the features of an ideographic approach of personality?
    People are unique
    Personality develops gradually
    Upbringing and environment are very important
    Interactions are key
  • What are the three determinants of personality?
  • What do trait theories / trait theorists believe?
    Personality consists of a collection of traits.
    We should be able to predict behaviour.
    Habitual patterns of behaviour , thought and emotion.
  • Who created the big 5 model?
    Costa and McCrae
  • Big 5 model
    A model of personality traits
  • Openness
    • People who have high openness like working with ideas and possibilities and are ready to re-examine their attitudes and values
  • Conscientiousness
    • People who have high conscientiousness describe themselves as being highly organised and thorough in their approach to tasks
  • Extroversion
    • People who have high extroversion describe themselves as outgoing, lively, and sociable
  • Agreeableness
    • People who have high agreeableness tend to describe themselves as being helpful and mindful of others feelings preferring cooperation to competition
  • Neuroticism
    • People who have high neuroticism are prone to worry and self doubt, highly affected by their emotions in stressful situations
  • What are the strengths of the big 5 model?
    Useful in describing the aspects of personality
    Twin studies/ genetics - traits especially extroversion, neuroticism and psychoticism are genetically linked 53 percent for extraversion, 41 percent for agreeableness, 44 percent for conscientiousness, 41 percent for neuroticism, and 61 for openness​
    Universal across 50+ cultures.
  • What are the weaknesses of the big 5 model?
    May not be as accurate when predicting job performance​
    Limited to modern, literateindustrialised cultures
    Openness to experience dimension less well defined than others​
  • Who created the 16 personality factors?
    Each person possesses these in varying degrees
    Less traits then Allport due to factor analysis
    Examples - warmth, reasoning, emotional stability and dominance
  • What is a strength of Cattell's 16 personality factors?
    Explains individual differences
  • What is a weakness of interviews ?
    Caution when interpreting results, projective tests are open to interpretation, often low in validity and reliability because of this. Different researchers can provide different responses on the same subject​
  • What is a weakness of observations?
    Cannot be used alone, as a sole assessment tool, only to confirm/support other findings/data ​
  • What is a weakness of projective personality tests?
    Self-report questionnaires = deception, social desirability, response bias. Long! People get bored. People cannot always accurately describe themselves, subjective and biased ​
  • What is a strength of objective personality tests?
    Self-report questionnaires are generally higher in reliability and validity but still have their issues ​