Employer Responsibilities for Fire (Scotland) Act

Cards (4)

  • Carry out a Fire Risk Assessment
    Identify the people at risk and evaluate the potential fire hazards in the organisation. Record the risk assessment and review at regular intervals.
  • Implement a Fire Evacuation Plan
    Have a fire evacuation plan and ensure all employees are trained to follow the plan e.g. do fire drills.
  • Provide Fire Safety Equipment
    Provide adequate fire safety equipment e.g. fire extinguishers, fire blankets etc. and ensure staff are trained to use them. Have equipment regularly checked to ensure they are in working order.
  • Implement Strategies to Minimise Fire Potential
    Strategies on eliminating the potential for fire should be considered and implemented eg: keep sources of ignition and flammable substances apart, avoid accidental fires e.g. make sure heaters cannot be knocked over, establish good housekeeping e.g. have bins regularly emptied to avoid build-up of rubbish that could burn.