commerce notes

Cards (46)

  • adversarial system
    system in which two opposing parties present their arguments to a magistrate or judge
  • anarchy
    disorder or confusion due to absence of government or laws
  • appeal
    an application for a legal decision to be reviewed in a higher court
  • bail
    to release an accused person who is awaiting trial
  • balance of power
    the power an individual or party has by holding the casting vote
  • balance of probabilities
    the standard of proof in civil trials
  • beyond reasonable doubt
    the standard of proof in a CRIMINAL trial
  • committal hearing
    a hearing in a Local court to decide whether there is enough evidence to put a person on trial for an indictable (serious) offence
  • common law
    system of law based on the previous decisions of judges, or precedents
  • concurrent powers
    areas of law-making authority held by both the federal and state governments (if there is conflict, federal law overrides state law)
  • constitution
    document that outlines the powers of the parliament
  • court
    place where people can resolve disputes relating to law
  • defendant
    the party in a criminal or civil trial against whom an action has been brought
  • division of powers
    how law-making authority is distributed between the federal and state government
  • exclusive powers
    these are areas where the federal government has the sole responsibility for making laws i.e. they relate to the whole of australia
  • hierarchy
    grading system based on order or importance
  • indictable offence

    serious criminal offence
  • judge
    court official with the power to make decisions on matters brought before a court of law
  • judiciary
    system of courts that interprets and applies the law in a country
  • jurisdiction
    official power to make legal decisions and judgements
  • empanelled jury
    to be chosen for a specific trial
  • jury
    group of people (12) selected to hear the evidence in a court case
  • law
    set of rules applicable to all members of society
  • custom
    ways of behaving that have been established through longstanding traditions
  • magistrate
    court official who hears cases in the lowest court of law
  • non parole
    set period of time a prisoner must serve before they can be released on the promise of good behaviour
  • parole
    to release a prisoner on the promise of good behaviour
  • plaintiff
    the party that commences a civil action
  • precedent
    previous legal decision that serves as a rule or pattern in future cases
  • private law
    deals with disputes between private citizens
  • prosecutor
    the party bringing a criminal action against the accused; usually the state
  • public law
    deals with disputes affecting the community
  • statue law
    laws made by parliaments
  • residual powers
    areas of law-making authority which remain with the states following federation
  • sue
    to bring a civil action against another person for causing damage or injury
  • tort
    a civil wrong
  • trial
    a process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act or caused another person
  • Dorothy Dixer
    a rehearsed question asked of a government Minister by a backbencher of their own political party
  • double dissolution
    a decision made by the head of state to dissolve both houses of parliament
  • hung parliament
    situation where no political party has a majority of elected members in parliament