Sexual Self

Cards (47)

    • The way people experience and express themselves as sexual beings. (King 2014)
    • Is a central aspect of being human throughout life, encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction. (WHO)
  • PRIMARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS - Physical Characteristics present at birth
    FEMALE: vagina, uterus, ovaries (Estrogen & Progesterone)
    MALE: penis, testes or testicles, scrotum, prostate gland (Gonads &Testosterone)
  • SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS - Developed during puberty
    FEMALE: Enlargement of breast, Onset of menstruation, Widening of hips
    MALE: Testicular growth, Sperm production, Appearance of hair (face and pubic area), Deepening of voice
  • REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM - A system of sex organs designed for reproduction and sexual function.
    These are areas of the body which are highly sensitive and produce sexual response when stimulated.
    In many species, sexual arousal is loosely ties with hormonal levels, but, in HUMAN, it is the BRAIN where sexual desires originates.
    CULTURE also influence the expression of sexual desire.
  • PHASES OF SEXUAL RESPONSE (William Masters & Virginia Johnson)
    1. Excitement Phase → The beginning of sexual arousal; preparation for intercourse.
  • Plateau Phase → Physical arousal builds.
  • Orgasmic Phase
    → Third and shortest phase of the sexual response cycle.
    → Both men and women describe the experience of orgasm in similar and positive terms
    → The vast majority of men experience one intense orgasm. But many women are capable of experiencing multiple orgasms
    → Males ejaculate while females experience vaginal contractions
  • Resolution Phase
    → Arousal slowly subsides and returns to normal levels.
    → Males experience a refractory period during where they are in capable of having another erection or orgasm
  • THREE COMPONENTS OF LOVE (Robert Sternberg)
  • Intimacy Component - refers to feelings of closeness, connectedness, bondedness.
  • Passion Component – refers to the drives that leads to romance, physical attraction and sexual consummation
  • Commitment Component – refers to the decision to love and the commitment to maintain that love.
  • Nonlove – none of the components of love is present.
  • Liking – intimacy is present, but passion and commitment are not.
  • Infatuation – passion is present, but intimacy and commitment are not.
  • Empty Love – commitment is present, but intimacy and passion are not.
  • Romantic Love – intimacy and passion are present, commitment is not.
  • Companionate Love – intimacy and commitment are present, passion is not.
  • Fatuous Love – passion and commitment are present, intimacy is not.
  • Consummate Love – all components of love are present.
    1. Words of Affirmation
    2. Quality Time
    3. Receiving Gifts
    4. Acts of Service
    5. Physical Touch
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections Disease (STI/STD)
    These are contracted primarily through sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex)
  • HIV / AIDS → infections caused by direct contact with body fluids such as through blood transfusion, breast feeding, and sexual intercourse.
  • GONORRHEA → cause by gonococcal bacteria which attack the lining of the mucous membrane such as mouth, throat, vagina, and urethra.
  • SYPHILIS → infects the genital area and other parts pf the body including the BRAIN. Can cause PARALYSIS or even DEATH if left untreated.
    → Men: can cause swollen testicles and burning sensation during urination.
    → Women: can result in sterility as it damages the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
  • GENITAL HERPES → can cause itching and tingling sensation, abscesses and blisters in genital area.
  • GENITAL WARTS → caused by the Human Papillomavirus. Women with this HPV is prone to cervical cancer.
  • Family Planning
    • An opportunity of people to attain their desired number of children and determine the spacing pregnancies. (WHO)
    • Having the desired number of children of the couple and when they want to have them by using safe and effective modern methods. (DOH)
  • Contraception - Is the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent consequence intercourse.
  • 2 Types of Contraceptives
    1. Natural
    2. Artificial
    Aims to keep couple, women especially, well informed about available family planning methods that they can freely use depending on their needs and beliefs.
    Aims to promote awareness among adolescent and youth on sexuality and reproductive health through proper sex education.
    • Condoms – to prevent STI’s/STD’S
    • Intrauterine Device (IUD) – a tiny device made of flexible plastic that is inserted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy
    • Birth Control Injectables
    • Oral Contraceptive Pills – which are taken everyday
  • SEXUAL ORIENTATION - Refers to a person’s identity anchored on what gender they are attracted to.
  • HETEROSEXUAL – to the opposite sex
  • HOMOSEXUAL – to one’s own sex
  • LESBIANS (BUTCH) - lesbians with more masculine traits. Degree of masculinity displayed by a female individual beyond what would be considered typical of a tomboy.
  • LESBIAN (FEMME) - not "read" as lesbians unless they are with a butch partner, because they conform to traditional standards of femininity