Von Papen acted as a middle man between Hindenburg and Hitler
He believed that due to Hitler's poor education and lack of experience he would be governable
Hindenburg employed Von Papen
Due to his aristocracy
The French ambassador wrote that Von Papen's appointment was "met with incredulity"
Elections held by Von Papen were a great success for Nazis winning 230 seats and became the largest party in the Reichstag
July 1932
Von Papen convinced Hindenburg
A coalition government with Hitler as Chancellor would save Germany and bring stability
Von Papen convinced Hindenburg
If Hitler wasn't Chancellor, a revolt of the National Socialists and civil war were likely to happen
Von Papen
Was desperate to regain favour and power with Hindenburg after his chancellorship failed after half a year
Von Papen was anti-democratic and anti-Weimar and thus wanted Nazis in power
Hindenburg had refused Hitler chancellorship several times before
Only after Von Papen, who had his ear, persuaded him with the promise of a new deal did he finally agree
Hindenburg had been in power since 1925 without much change which indicates that he was influenced by his inner circle i.e. Von Papen
Oskar von Hindenburg opposed the appointment of Hitler as chancellor
But, in January 1933, he changed his mind after discussions with Von Papen and Hitler
Kurt von Schleicher
Political head of the army since 1926
Head of the Ministerial Office whose function was to represent the army in dealings with the government since 1929
Instrumental in persuading Hindenburg to withdraw support for Bruning May 1932 and appoint Von Papen in his place
November 1932 he was deeply involved in the downfall of Von Papen as he was too independent minded for Schleicher
Conservative- worked for the restoration of authoritarian rule in Germany
Pragmatist- couldn't be achieved through a straight forward return to autocracy
Aimed for an alliance between old conservatism and the Nazis who would legitimise an authoritarian regime dominated by the old conservatives
Oskar von Hindenburg
Major in the army
His father's aide-de-camp which allowed him to control access to the President
Highly valued opinion
Dr Otto Meissner
Head of the office of the President under Ebert and Hindenburg
Considerable influence over Hindenburg and helped organise talks between Von Papen and Hitler that led to Hitler's chancellorship
Proportional representation was a platform for extremism e.g. KPD, SPD, NSDAP
Proportional representation owes the largest party's leader chancellorship
Proportional representation leads to weak coalition governments, universal suffrage, compromise, and legislative paralysis
The government failed in 2 months
Made Hindenburg desperate
The Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression caused political polarisation
Hitler Jugend and SA provided young men with food and shelter
6 million unemployed- 39% men 14-25 in Hamburg June 1933
Albert Speer: '"Hitler persuaded us, and instead of hopeless unemployment Germany could move towards economic recovery"'
The Führerprinzip and Gauleiter system; Nazis responded much quicker than Bruning's government so they were able to tap into the discontentment of votes
Nazi representation in the Reichstag 12-107 seats; 2nd largest party
September 1930
Fritz Thyssen and Alfred Hugenberg invested in Hitler Uber Deutschland
Joseph Goebbels Reich Propaganda Chief used an array of both modern and traditional methods