Planarians & other flat worms have highly branched gastrovascular cavity with single opening through which exchange can occur
Dorsoventrally flattened shape and branching of cavity ensures all cells bathed in suitable medium, no cells too far from cavity for efficient diffusion and large surface area across which diffusion can occur
Larger multicellular organisms developed specialised transport systems for long-distance bulk/mass flow of material due to increased quantity of material required
2-chambered heart: 1 atrium collects blood from body, 1 ventricle pumps blood to gills where it gets oxygenated, then flows to tissues and rest of body before returning to heart
Blood pressure (hydrostatic pressure) decreases due to increased cross-sectional area of capillaries in gill lamellae, so blood flowing from gills through aorta to rest of body is at low pressure and speed
4-chambered heart divided into 2 halves: Right atrium and ventricle receive deoxygenated blood from body and pump it to lungs in pulmonary circuit at relatively low pressure, Left atrium and ventricle receive oxygenated blood from lungs and pump it to rest of body in systemic circuit at relatively high pressure
2 completely separate circuits (pulmonary and systemic) with no mixing of blood within heart
In humans, vascular system arranged in parallel, allowing unobstructed flow - if passage is obstructed/blocked to one organ, flow to other organs not compromised
Ensures blood pressure, oxygen and nutrient content reaching each organ is approximately equivalent
Exception is portal vessels which link two organs (e.g. gut and liver) allowing modification and detoxification of blood before entering general circulation
Heart beats approximately 75 times per minute, each heartbeat lasts around 0.83 seconds
Sequence of atrial contraction (systole), ventricular contraction (systole), and relaxation (diastole)
Lub-Dub heart sounds: Lub = AV valves closing, Dub = Semi-lunar valves closing
Heartbeat begins at sino-atrial (SA) node, which stimulates contraction
AV node picks up signal from SA node with slight delay, then transmits it via Bundle of His and Purkinje fibres to stimulate ventricular contraction from base upwards
Branches into Bundle of His (runs down interventricular septum) and into specialised Purkinje fibres which conduct impulse (without contracting) and stimulate contraction of ventricle from base upwards