Cards (19)

  • cosmological argument meaning?
    arguments that assume that the universe exists and conclude that God is the most probable explanation for the universe's existence
  • inductive arguments meaning?
    arguments based on evidence, that comes from observations and experiences an argument constructed on possibly true premises reaching a logically possible conclusion
  • a posteriori?
    based on experience, observation, and empirical evidence.
  • based on experience, observation, and empirical evidence?
    a posteriori arguments
  • cosmological arguments are what type?
    are inductive arguments because they look at the evidence and try to find the most probable explanation for it, they use a posteriori knowledge because they start with the end result and look back to try and work out what brought it.
  • about aquinas?
    • 13th century catholic theologian and philosopher, Aquinas’ main belief was he thought it was necessary for both faith and logical reasoning to work together,
     Aquinas not only help Christians to develop a more reasoned faith but also helped science to develop in Europe.
  • which guy was in 13th century? theologian and philosopher
  • aquinas five ways are?
    logical arguments regarding the existence of God
  • aquinas first way name?
    motion or change, the unmoved mover
  • Aquinas’ first way: motion or change, the unmoved mover?
    • things in the world are in motion or change from potentiality to actuality e.g. ice melting to water
    • Nothing can move itself, everything that is in motion is moved by something else.
    • the chain of movers cannot be tracked back infinitely since there would be no first mover. 
    • there must be a first mover unmoved by anything else. Aquinas said that this first mover is God.
  • aquinas second way name?
    cause and effect, the uncaused causer
  • efficient cause links to what and meaning?
    aquinas second way, the activity that brings about change
  • infinite regress links to which aquinas way and meaning?
    aquinas second way, a sequence that can be traced back and back but never comes to an end.
  • aquinas' second Way: cause and effect, the uncaused causer?everything that exists has been created (an efficient cause) nothing can be the efficient cause of itself,  everything we observe is here because someone or something else made it happen, nothing exists without cause.
  • aquinas second way why cant cause and effect be traced back infinitely?

    the chain of cause and effect can’t be traced back infinitely or in an infinite regress as there would be no beginning or something starting the cause and effect progress, showing that nothing would exist contradicting our observation that things do exist.therefore, there must be an uncaused first causer, something that doesn’t have a cause itself but is still capable of producing effects which is God e.g. omnipotence.Example: Dominoes, There must be a force in order for the dominoes to fall
  • aquinas third way name?
    contingency and necessity 
  • contingent being?
    a being that depends on something else for its existence
  • necessary being?
    a being that is not dependent on something for its existence
  • aquinas third way contingency and neccessity?
    the world consists of contingent beings: they are temporary and have the possibility of not existing.contingent beings are dependent, their existence depends on other factors e.g.  plants and animals are dependent on the sun and water, etc. if everything were contingent then nothing would exist at all, as contingent things need a cause, infinite regress of contingent things is impossible therefore not all things are contingent.there must be a necessary being to start off the chain of contingency, this necessary being is God