Intro to meh

Cards (18)

  • Criminal etiology
    Study of causes of crime by means of scientific analysis
  • Sociology of law
    Creation of criminal law as a formal social control
  • Penology
    Concerned with the control and prevention of crime and treatment of offenders
  • Nature of Criminology
    • An Applied science - Anthropology, psychology, sociology and other natural sciences may be applied in the study of the causes of crime while chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, etc. maybe utilized in the scientific crime detection
    • Social Science - In as much crime is a societal creation and that it exists in a society, its study must be considered as part of social science
    • Dynamic - Criminology changes a social condition changes. That means the process of criminology is concordant with the advancement of the other sciences that have been applied to it
    • Nationalistic - The study of crime must always be in relation with the existing criminal law within the territory
  • Crime
    An act committed or omitted in violation of public law forbidding or commanding it
  • Crime
    A generic term that embraces any violation of Revised Penal Code, Special Laws, and Municipal or City Ordinances
  • Offense
    An act or omission that is punishable by special laws or statute enacted by congress, penal in character
  • Felony
    An act or omission that is punishable by Revised Penal Code or the criminal law in the Philippines
  • Misdemeanor
    Acts that are in violation of simple rules and regulation usually repairing to acts committed by a minor offender
  • Means of committing crimes
    • Dolo or deceit - when the act was done with deliberate intent
    • Culpa or fault - when the wrongful act result from imprudence negligence lack of foresight or lack of skill
  • Mala In Se
    Acts that are visible and directly harm other people and their property
  • Malum Prohibitum
    Acts criminalized by the statute in an effort to regulate the general behaviors of the society
  • Criminological classifications of crimes
    • Acquisitive crime - is one which when committed the offender acquire something as a consequences of his action
    • Extinctive crime - the crime is extinctive when the result of the criminal act is destruction
    • Seasonal crimes - are those that are committed only at certain period of the year
    • Situational crimes - are those that are committed only when given situation is conducive to its commission
    • Episodic crimes - are those serial crimes. They are committed by series of act within a lengthy space of time
    • Instant crimes - are those that are committed at the shortest possible time
    • Static crimes - are crimes that are committed only in one particular place
    • Continuing crime - our crimes that are committed in several places
    • Rational crimes - are those committed with intent, the offender is in full possession of his mental faculties and capabilities
    • Irrational crimes - are those crimes committed without intent; where offender doesn't know the nature of his act
    • White collar crime - are those committed by a person of responsibility and of upper socio-economic class of society
    • Blue collar crimes - crimes committed by ordinary professional to maintain their livelihood
    • Upper world crimes - crimes that are committed by individuals belonging to the upper class of society
    • Under world crime - crimes that are committed by people under privileged class of society
    • Crime by imitation - crimes committed by merely duplication of what was done others
    • Crime by passion - crimes that are committed because of fit of great emotion
    • Traditional crimes - crimes that are committed every now and then
    • Service crimes - crimes committed through renditions of a service to satisfy the desire of the the others
    • Instrumental crimes - crimes that are designed to improve the financial or social position of the offender
    • Emergency crimes - crimes that are committed to take advantage of the abnormal situation
    • Hate Crime - act of violence and intimidation to frighten people considered undesirable because of their race, religion, origin, ethnic, or sexual orientation
    • Crimes of repression - committed when members of a group are prevented from achieving their fullest potential because of racism, sexism, or some other status bias
    • Index crimes - are frequently committed violent crimes, also known as Part 1 crimes
    • Non- index crime - are all crimes aside from violent crimes, those non-violent crimes, also known as Part 2 crimes
    • Victimless crime - acts committed by consenting persons in private, there is no intended victim
  • Ways to define a criminal
    • A person who committed a crime and has been convicted by a court in violation of criminal law (Legal definition)
    • A person who violated a social norm or one who did an anti-social act (Social definition)
    • A person who violated the rules of conduct due to behavioral maladjustment (Psychological definition)
  • Criminological classification of criminals
    • Chronic criminal - one who commit crime acted in consonance of deliberate thinking
    • Acute criminal - one who violated criminal law because of impulse or fit of passion
    • Organized criminal - one who associate himself with other criminals to earn a high degree of organization to enable them to commit crimes easily without being detected by authorities
    • Ordinary criminal - consider the lowest form of criminal in a criminal career. He doesn't stick to crime as professional but rather pushed to commit crime because of great opportunity
    • Active criminal - those who commit crimes because of aggressiveness
    • Habitual criminal - those who continues to commit crimes due to deficiency of intelligence and lack of self control
    • Passive inadequate criminal - those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by rewards and promises
    • Socialized delinquent - those are normal in behavior but defective in their socialization process or development
  • Criminal formula
    C = Crime or criminal behavior
    T = Criminal tendency
    S = Total situation
    R = Resistance to temptation
  • Anatomy of crime
    • Opportunity - consists of act or omission or commission by a person which enables another person or group of person to perpetuate a crime
    • Instrumentality or capability - is the means or implement used in the commission of crime
    • Motive -refers to the reason or cause why a person or a group of person will perpetrate a crime
  • Why have interest in crime