Physics Paper 1 Practicals

Cards (3)

  • Required practical 1 - Specific heat capacity?
    • Measure mass of water or metal block with a balance
    • Put an electric heater & thermometer or the block of metal that has slots for them
    • Connect the heater to a power supply, with an ammeter in series and a voltmeter in parallel
    • Record the initial temp.
    • Start the stopwatch, and record the temp. every 20 seconds
    Independent variable - energy/heat supplied
    Dependent - temperature
  • Required practical 2 - Resistance of a wire?
    • Connect a constantan wire to a power supply or battery using crocodile clips, along with an ammeter in series and voltmeter in parallel
    • Measure length of wire between crocodile clips with a metre rule (taut wire), as well as the current and p.d.
    • Calculate resistance for each length using the rearranged form of Ohm's law, and plot these against length
    Independent variable - length of wire
    Dependent - resistance of wire
  • Required practical 3 - IV characteristics?
    • Connect a component (fixed resistor, filament lamp or a diode) with an ammeter and variable resistor in series, and voltmeter in parallel.
    • Measure the current for varying p.d.'s (achieved by varying the variable resistor)
    • Include negative values by reversing the battery
    Independent variable - p.d.
    Dependent variable - current