Cards (8)

  • bodys form and function are supported by skeletal system
  • 206 bones in mature human skeleton
  • newborn have over 300 bones, fuse together around 9 years old
  • skeletal system:
    • provides support and allows a person to stand erect
    • protect underlying organs
    • serves as a reservoir for storing such minerals as calcium and phosphorus
    • site for red blood cell formation
  • long bones found in upper and lower extremities- responsible for carrying the body weight and make ambulation possible
  • shirt bones found in hands and feet- shaped to provide strength in compact area
  • ribs and sternum are flat and thin- provide structure
  • ossification: is the process of developing new bones from tissue
    osteoblasts from bone cells lay down a framework for the new bone
    calcium and phosphorus combine to form salts, which are then deposited into the framework