Noli Me Tangere

Cards (11)

  • Juan Crisostomo Ibarra returns to the Philippines after seven years of education in Europe. In honor of his return, a grand feast is hosted by Captain Tiago, with many notable personalities in attendance.
  • At this banquet, Father Damaso criticizes Ibarra. Rather than retaliate, Ibarra gracefully excuses himself, stating he has urgent matters to handle. Maria Clara, Ibarra’s enchanting girlfriend and Captain Tiago’s daughter, is visited by him the next day. Together, they reminisce about their relationship by revisiting old letters exchanged before Ibarra left for Europe.
  • As Ibarra departs from his visit with Maria, Lieutenant Guevarra discloses the tragic fate of Ibarra’s father, Don Rafael, who passed away the previous year. Father Damaso had accused Don Rafael of heresy and subversion, mainly due to his reported absence from church and confession. These allegations were triggered when Don Rafael defended a child against a tax collector, who accidentally killed the child.
  • In the aftermath, an investigation was conducted, during which several of Don Rafael’s secret adversaries levelled accusations against him. These events deeply affected Don Rafael, leading to his illness in jail and eventually his death.
  • Despite the heavy rain during the exhumation of Don Rafael’s remains ordered by an unsatisfied Father Damaso, the body was unceremoniously tossed into a lake instead of being relocated to the Chinese cemetery.
  • Choosing not to seek revenge, Ibarra carries on his father’s work by constructing a school with the help of Nol Juan. Just as the school is about to be inaugurated, Elias saves Ibarra from an assassination attempt, resulting in the death of the assassin, who was hired by a secret enemy.
  • When Father Damaso once again insults Ibarra, it is the belittling of his father that pushes Ibarra to attempt to stab the priest, but he is stopped by Maria Clara. As a consequence, the Archbishop excommunicates Ibarra from the Catholic Church. Seizing the opportunity, Father Damaso manipulates Captain Tiago to call off Maria Clara’s engagement to Ibarra, with rumors suggesting she is to marry Linares, a young Spaniard instead
  • Following the lifting of his excommunication due to the intervention of the Captain General, Ibarra is unexpectedly arrested again, accused of instigating an attack on the barracks. During a party held at Captain Tiago’s house celebrating the impending union of Linares and Maria Clara, Ibarra manages to escape with Elias’ help.
  • Before his escape, Ibarra confronts Maria about a letter used as evidence against him in court. She vehemently denies any involvement and reveals that the incriminating letter was stolen from him in return for another that indicates Father Damaso as her biological father. Resigned, she affirms her love for Ibarra but maintains her decision to marry Linares for her mother’s honor.
  • Escaping with Elias, Ibarra boards a boat and navigates the Pasig River to Bay Lake. In an attempt to lose the pursuers, Elias jumps into the water, leading them to believe that the escapee they’ve shot is Ibarra.
  • On hearing of Ibarra’s supposed death, a despairing Maria Clara pleads with Father Damaso to let her enter a monastery, threatening suicide otherwise. Meanwhile, a mortally wounded Elias stumbles upon the mythical Ibarra forest, where he encounters Basilio and his dead mother, Sisa. In his dying moments, Elias implores the fortunate to remember those who have perished in the darkness.