Nazi propaganda

Cards (11)

  • Propaganda
    Keeping people supporting the Nazis
  • Hitler's use of propaganda

    1. Set up the cult of the Führer
    2. Carefully used his image to show himself serving Germany
    3. Goebbels bombarded people with information to keep them loyal to the Nazis
    4. Used posters, pictures, art exhibitions and films to show how great the Nazis were
    5. Regularly broadcast Hitler's speeches on the radio
    6. Sold cheap radios connected to loudspeakers so everyone could hear
    7. Banned newspapers from printing anything not checked by the Nazis first (censorship)
    8. Held great rallies like those at Nuremberg to show the Party's power
    9. Used the 1936 Olympics to showcase Germany's efficiency, modernity and advancement
  • Terror/Intimidation
    Keeping people supporting the Nazis
  • Nazi methods of terror and intimidation
    1. Used concentration camps to imprison anyone against the Nazi state
    2. The Gestapo (secret police) checked for disloyalty and arrested people
    3. The legal system was controlled by Nazi judges who upheld Nazi views
    4. Subdivided Germany into blocks with Nazi informants
    5. Children in the Hitler Youth were expected to spy on parents and neighbours
  • Nazi Racial Policy 1933-1945
    • Belief in Aryan master race
    • Aim to keep Aryan race pure by preventing interbreeding with non-Aryans
    • Destroying the Jews
  • Hitler and the Nazis believed Jews were inferior and could be blamed for Germany's problems
  • How the Nazis changed the lives of minorities 1933-39
    1. Vagrants and homeless sent to re-education camps
    2. Homosexuals sent to concentration camps
    3. Blacks and mentally ill sterilised or killed
    4. Gypsies sent to concentration camps and later exterminated with the Jews
  • Utenmensch
    Groups seen as inferior by the Nazis
  • Treatment of Jews 1933-39
    1. 1933: SA boycotted Jewish shops and businesses
    2. 1934: Jews banned from public places
    3. 1935: Nuremberg Laws stripped them of citizenship and banned intermarriage
    4. 1938: Kristallnacht - physical attack on Jewish property, many arrested and sent to camps
    5. After Kristallnacht, Jewish children banned from German schools
  • How the Nazis changed the Churches 1933-39
    1. 1933: Hitler signed Concordat with Pope, agreeing to keep out of each other's affairs
    2. 1933: Protestant Church reorganised into National Reich Church with Nazi bishops
    3. 1935: Ministry of Churches set up, church schools abolished, Hitler Youth promoted over church youth
    4. Some Protestant opposition, e.g. Confessional Church
    5. Hitler broke promise with Catholic Church, closed schools and youth groups, 400 priests arrested
  • Hitler tried to control the church but was not able to get rid of them completely