Nerve root impairment due to compression or ischemia, radiating pain numbness and tingling, blocked sensory nerves and muscle weakness from obstructed motor nerves
Stress exceeds the mechanical capabilities of a disc or when disc degenerates, lesions or herniations occur, vertebral endplate develops fractures under excessive loading in compression
Local muscle and overallfatigue, limitedrestopportunities, jobs that involve awkwardpostures, repetition of movement, in cold settings, high force movements
Compression on median nerve, inflammation from repetitive movements, tunnel size narrows causing compression, common in pregnancy, more common in women, worse at night
Chronic repetitive overuse of wrist, such as grasping pinching and wringing movements, affects tendons on thumb (radial) side, affects extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus, women more likely to get
Aka lateralepicondylitis, overuse of extensor carpi radialis, pain or burning when holding object, pain radiate down wrist and forearm, weak grip strength
Overuse of pronators and flexors at wrist, worsened with forearm activity like swinging a golf club or throwing a ball, pain or burning in the inner elbow radiating down wrist, weak grip strength