Cards (85)

  • Action research
    Participatory action research (identify, plan, collect, analyze/interpret, revise)
  • Analytic research
    The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information to make inferences and reach conclusions
  • Curriculum
    What will be taught
  • Descriptive research

    Describe a population or phenomenon (use : description, classification, measurement, comparison)
  • Domains of learning
    • Psychomotor (motor skills and proprioception)
    • Cognitive (thinking and problem solving)
    • Affective (social and emotional skills)
  • Formative assessment
    A checkpoint to evaluate student learning (peer assessment)
  • Games-based approach

    Approach to learning that allows students to discover what to do in a game and then how to do it
  • Instruction
    How the curriculum is developed - come down to the approach used
  • Instructional time
    Want to make sure the instruction is clear and concise, decrease wait time
  • Managerial time
    Taking attendance, role call, going into groups (preparation)
  • Motor activity
    Activities that cause or produce motion
  • Results used to inform policies, guidelines get established
  • Observational research
    Technique used to observe/record behaviors, participant's natural setting
  • Pedagogy
    Art and Sciences, The profession of teaching
  • Philosophical orientation
    Particular perspective of how learning occurs (teaching philosophy)
  • Physical activity
    Any bodily movement that requires the use of energy by the individual
  • Qualitative research

    Study using empirical research - words, videos, books
  • Quantitative research
    Study using numerical data
  • Sport pedagogy
    Pedagogy that encompasses school programs of physical education as well as community-based club programs of sport and fitness
  • Summative assessment
    Used to determine what students have learned at the end of a learning unit
  • Teacher movement
    Where a teacher goes within the activity area, should be circulating observing all students
  • Teaching behaviors
    • Teacher movement
    • Feedback
    • Time management
  • Vigorous physical activity

    A person breathing hard and fast and his or her heart rate has increased significantly
  • Wait time
    When students don't have task and simply standing around waiting
  • Activities of daily living (ADLs)
    Basic personal tasks that an individual performs on a daily basis (dressing, eating, moving, bathing...)
  • Acute exercise effects
    Sudden and immediate response
  • Acute physiological responses
    Immediate effects on the body's systems in response to stress of the body during exercise
  • Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

    The body's fuel source (food from diet and O2 from air)
  • Chronic exercise effects
    Gradual and long-term response to exercise
  • Demand
    What people need, what they want
  • Exercise physiology
    Study of how the body responds/adapts to physical stress
  • Health-related components of physical fitness
    • Body composition
    • Muscular strength
    • Muscular endurance
    • Aerobic capacity
    • Flexibility
  • Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)
    Daily activities required to maintain a household (cooking, cleaning, shopping...)
  • Physical activity (PA)

    Any type of bodily movement including ADL and IADL
  • Physiological mechanisms
    Interacting processes within the body that bring about one or more effects
  • Stress
    The bodies response to a stressor that interferes with normal physiology
  • Supply
    What you can make available, what you can provide
  • Supply equals demand
    Demands on body increase, body responds to meet the increased demand
  • Fitt's Law

    Movement of speed is inversely related to accuracy (movement increases, accuracy decreases)
  • Information processing
    A focus on the brain and nervous system in the control of movement